Tuesday, July 31, 1984

1984 Horseneck Beach, MA (7/31/1984)

Tuesday, July 31, 1984
After work, the Meeting Street School PT department went to Horseneck Beach. I went with Pam B, and we followed Mary B in Lorna B’s car, who were following Janis. Bob L and Anne Marie followed us. There was no fee after 16:15, and most people were leaving the beach.
We picked a spot to spread out a blanket and start eating! We had cookies, chips, pretzels, and caramel popcorn. I had rum and Coke without the rum. Then dinner of pickles and tunafish sandwiches, and the tuna was dished out with a toy shovel!
Mary and Janis
Janis and Lorna
Anne Marie and Bob
A couple of us went ankle-deep in the freezing water. Actually the water wasn’t so bad, but there was a stiff wind making the air chilly. Mary’s fiancĂ©, Frank M, joined us, and we played Trivial Pursuit until Pam realized she should have been home at 19:00. It was 19:30! Frank drove Mary and me back to Meeting Street so we could pick up our cars.

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