Sunday, July 28, 1985

1985 Green Animals in Portsmouth, RI (7/27/1985)

Saturday, July 27, 1985
After lunch we drove to Portsmouth to the Green Animals Topiary and Gardens. It cost $4 each for Kent and me, and $2 for Kyle. Fortunately Erich is still free.
Green Animals ticket
Green Animals brochure 1
Green Animals brochure 2
We passed the perennials and fruit trees to find the main topiary.
Peach tree
Topiary garden
Elephant topiary
Kent, Kyle, and Erich
We identified many flowers in the formal gardens, then went to another area of fruit trees and perennials. Passed more sculpted pieces including a bear where one could take a photo of someone in his arms.
Kyle and Erich
Next the herb garden and through the grape arbor to the vegetable garden. Saw blueberry bushes and headed around to the dahlias, none in bloom. Found the water lily pond and headed out. We stopped at a small toy museum.
Erich was bouncing off the walls, so we drove to the Cliff Walk and started out. Then Erich’s feet hurt, so eventually he and Kent headed back to the car while Kyle and I continued. Kyle wanted to at least see the mansions, so we went to the Breakers and I showed him the Children’s House on the grounds before we headed back to the car.

Sunday, July 28, 1985
Packed a picnic lunch and headed to Goosewing Beach via South Shore. We settled near a flag and there were good surfing waves.
Kyle finds a pickle rock
Erich finds a ...?
We saw the Fujifilm blimp that seemed to be following the contours of the shore northward past us, and it later returned in the southerly direction.
One time Kyle and I returned to the chairs before Kent and Erich when body surfing. After what seemed a long time, Kent came back, asking where was Erich? Not with him? He was sent back 15 minutes ago! To where we were sitting by the flag. But there was more than one flag! We started searching the length of the beach, assuming he passed us and went the length of South Shore Beach. Then Kyle and I headed in the opposite direction while Kent went to check the restrooms. We finally saw Erich headed our way with a lifeguard. Erich simply asked if we were looking for Daddy, too! We then ran off to find Kent and were all reunited!

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