Monday, December 23, 1985

1985 Essex, CT (12/22-23/1985)

Sunday, December 22, 1985
After lunch at 13:15, we started driving to Essex, CT, arriving at 14:45 and checked into the Griswold Inn. Simple, nice old furniture and a bathroom with a shower.
Room at the Griswold Inn
Kent at the Griswold Inn
We turned down the piped in music and went out to explore Main Street with all the little shops and boutiques. We read the Essex historical marker, then returned to our room. At 18:45 we heard Jan & Kirby coming up the stairs. There was a large yellow tabby cat snoozing on the narrow steps. We greeted J&K, then we all changed into evening wear and headed downstairs for our 19:00 dinner reservation.
The main dining room was crowded and very noisy. Service was slow because they were so busy. A fire was blazing in the hearth and the decoration was nautical and Christmas-y. Kent and Kirby got an apéritif of champagne with a raspberry liqueur. For an appetizer I had clam chowder with a celery taste, and Jan had the Boss’ Favorite, a vegetable soup. Kirby had the country pâté and Kent had smoked salmon. We noticed that other tables had crackers and condiments, and had the busboy bring us ours. There was a corn relish, cottage cheese with chives, and a garlic spread for the crackers and breadsticks. Then warm rolls arrived, and salads with the dressing on the side. Kent had fried oysters and I had the Carpetbagger special of a butterflied filet mignon and fried oysters with a Béarnaise sauce. Jan had broiled bay scallops and Kirby had roast beef, a sizable chunk. We each also had a baked potato and sautéed zucchini. Later the others had coffee, and we shared a piece of chocolate buttercream pie that was like a fine chocolate mousse pie. The bill with tip came to $140, which also included a bottle of red wine, and a half bottle of white wine.
There was a German woman who was going around seeing what people had for dinner, and generally wandering. Later she complained to the maître d' that the waitress was treating her like an enemy, and that she ordered moose, but was given something else. (They had venison, rabbit, moose, goose, pheasant, and quail on the Christmas menu.) And this had caused a rift between her and her husband…
We went to our room to exchange gifts with J&K and talk until midnight.

Monday, December 23, 1985
It had snowed during the night, creating a New England winter wonderland. We met Jan and Kirby in the library at 9:30 for breakfast. It was self-serve with tomato juice, coffee, and a variety of teas. Plus English muffins, oranges and cantaloupe. After breakfast we checked out and took a walk down Main Street.
Griswold Inn sihn
Griswold Inn 
Main Street door with boxwood tree
Main Street house
Main Street houses
We had to say our goodbyes and we left at 11:25 to drive Kent to work at BIF by 12:30.

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