Sunday, July 20, 1986

1986 Rocky Point (7/5/1986) and Rocky River (7/13-19/1986)

Saturday, July 5, 1986
We had Kyle yesterday for the Fourth of July concert at Roger Williams Park, and had to wait for Erich to be delivered this morning. We spent the morning looking for a mini-golf place. The one in Attleboro turned out to be a Pitch ‘n’ Putt. Then made three stops to buy a Megabucks ticket.
After lunch we were going to Rocky Point, and the kids were watching TV and did not seem ready to go when we first called them. So Kent and I dressed up as tourist nerds; he wore his shorts pulled down over his hips, high tube socks, cheap sneakers, a baseball cap and no shirt, with a camera around his neck. I stuffed my shorts to make them look tight and pulled them up to my crotch, stuffed my shirt so that my belly was exposed, and wore a head scarf. We went to ask Kyle and Erich if they were ready to go to Rocky Point now. At first they didn’t notice us! Then they asked why we were dressed that way…
We drove to Rocky Point and parked near what we thought was the entrance. We had to walk halfway around the park to the admission gate of the amusement park. Paid $1 for each adult (kids under 8 are free), then bought two $5.95 day passes for Kyle and Erich, and $3.75 worth of individual ride tickets for Kent and me. We first went to play mini-golf, which was an additional 95 cents each. Next the Alpine-like ride where the gondolas swung outward as you dipped and rose in a circle. The Flume required a long wait, especially since they stopped the ride a few times to bail out the logs. It was worth the wait as we zoomed down for the big splash at the end. Got soaking, dripping wet!
On to other rides, we let the kids go by themselves. We all went on a ride that we thought rocked upside down when you made it do so. We weren’t planning on making it go upside down, but when the ride started, over it went! No time to think about it! Everyone ended up enjoying it. The rides lasted a long time, longer than anyone’s attention span required! It was about 17:00 when we let the boys pick one more ride before leaving. I went to get a bag of clamcakes while the others got the car.

Sunday, July 13, 1986
Kent's parents were here for a visit since Tuesday, July 8. Now Kyle and Erich were going to Rocky River, OH with their grandparents, until July 19.
Erich, Bert, and Kyle at Cedar Pont
Kyle, Ada, and Erich at Jean L's pool
Saturday, July 19, 1986
Drove via the scenic routes of US 6 and CT 66, then I-84, I-380, I-81, and I-80 to Danville, PA, where we met Kyle and Erich with the grandparents at Best Western. Used the swimming pool until 17:30, then showers and dinner at Ben Franklin’s across the street. Kent’s dad treated. Later we played Frisbee until the sun set. One time the Frisbee sailed over a fence, and we had to toss Erich over to retrieve it, and haul him back over.

Sunday, July 20, 1986
We had the breakfast buffet, then left at 9:30 to head back to RI, while the grandparents headed back to Cleveland. In PA, we noticed the deer on the caution signs had red noses. In NJ, one MUST use a seat belt. Took I-80 to I-95, which is a few miles farther, but much faster.

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