Thursday, December 25, 1986

1986 Christmas (12/23-25/1986)

Tuesday, December 23, 1986
Christmas tree
Living room
Erich decorating Christmas cookies
Kyle decorating Christmas cookies
Kyle and Erich

Wednesday, December 24, 1986
Kyle and Erich opening gifts at River Avenue

Thursday, December 25, 1986
We got up at 6:30, and at 6:45 Mary Jane called to say Kyle and Erich were up. We hurried over through the pouring rain. Again, the boys did well by Santa, et al. 
Erich reacts to a gift of socks
The boys needed heavy hints to notice the Apple Macintosh computer Mary Jane and Barney had gotten. I was given some plastic placemats. Juice and coffee, with cranberry bread before taking off about 7:40!

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