Sunday, August 30, 1987

1987 Erich's Birthday Party (8/30/1987)

Sunday, August 30, 1987
Warm sun! Finally after weeks of rain! At 10:00 Kent took Kyle and Erich to their mom’s so they could see their cousin. Later, Kent and I went at 13:00 for Erich’s birthday party. We all crowded into two cars, with Barney sitting in the back of Kent’s Scirocco with Kyle and Ben. We drove to Westport, MA to the waterslides where the boys (Kyle, Erich, Ben and friends, Jeff and Sean) got tickets for $8.50 for 14 slides.
Waterslide pass
We had borrowed the video camera from Meeting Street School, and Kent was able to catch glimpses of the kids.
Kyle's head
Kyle at the turn
Ben and Erich
Ben pooped out with six turns left on his ticket, so Kent used it to go down with Erich. I couldn’t really video Kent because I couldn’t reach over the chain-link fence.
Westport Waterslides also has a Cueball course
Set up like mini-golf, but mini cueball tables
We were there about an hour, then headed back at 15:00, this time with Kyle, Erich and Jeff in the back seat, the latter two falling asleep. Back at their mom’s, Erich opened his gifts, then had his cake, which had a licorice stick waterslide on it.
Waterslide cake
Kyle, Erich opening gifts
Erich closely watched by Kyle
Kent as videographer
Ready for cake
Erich cutting the cake
Erich with a blue tongue
We were joined by Derrick, Brendan, Timmy, and Jeff’s sister, Lindsay. We had our piece of cake, watched them play with a few of the gifts, and left about 16:15.

Kyle and Erich with a big project

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