Sunday, April 17, 1988

1988 Erich on Arbor Day (4/17/1988)

Sunday, April 17, 1988
After lunch we headed to Roger Williams Park for the Keep Providence Beautiful/Arbor Day festivities, arriving when Kyle and Erich got there with Mary Jane and Barney. Watched a signing storyteller, and saw the display of prize-winning art and essays of Providence school children. Erich won first place for grades 2 and 3 with a painting of a tree with a toothpick treehouse, and kids climbing a rope. Someone had written across the top “Come Home to a Tree.”
We had to wait and wait for the Providence Mayor, while watching a horse chestnut tree get planted, and seedlings being given away. Finally the mayor arrived to give certificates to the 10 semi-finalists in each category. For first place, Erich also got the book, “A Giving Tree,” four tickets to the Romeo and Juliet ballet, an Arbor Day medal, and a coupon for Archway cookies! The boys got a seedling that they will plant in our new yard. Erich had his book autographed by the mayor.
Mayor Joseph R Paolino signs Erich's book
Erich and his first place painting
Erich with his certificate, and Kent

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