Saturday, May 7, 1988

1988 Erich's First Communion (5/7/1988)

Saturday, May 7, 1988
We went to St Augustine’s for the 11:00 First Communion Mass. Erich looked like an angel.
First Communion program cover
Again a large class of second graders. After lunch we went to watch Erich’s T-ball game, which his blue team won. Kent and I went to Little Chopsticks to hold a table for all of us, and they gave us a private alcove for Erich’s First Communion lunch. Erich arrived with Mary Jane and Barney, Kyle and Ben. Kent and I had hot and sour soup, strange flavor chicken and the house special of scallops, everything was spicy.
Ben, Erich, Kent, Tamiko, Kyle, Mary Jane
Kent didn’t get any fortune in his cookies, and I got the usual one.
Fortune cookie fortune
Erich got a multitude of fortunes in his!
We then drove to Mary Jane’s for a piece of the First Communion cake, then took Kyle and Erich home with us.

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