Sunday, June 26, 1988

1988 Vacation Flint Ridge, OH (6/26/1988)

Sunday, June 26, 1988
We turned the beds back into furniture, had a bran cereal breakfast, packed the car, said our goodbyes, and hit the road shortly after 8:00, as I drove back to I-95 and I-495/the Beltway heading west. In Maryland we took I-270 to I-70. When we made a pit stop, I was asked to help a blind lady in the restroom I led her to a stall, quickly did my own business, then led the woman out to the sink and finally out again.
We drove into Pennsylvania, stopping at a highway Burger King for lunch. There were a bunch of Boy Scouts who apparently were at a re-enactment of the Battle of Gettysburg for the weekend. Drove through a tunnel.
Kent took over driving, past huge fences to block rock slides. A car fire blocked traffic going the other way. There was lots of road kill, but we saw a few live animals. There was something sitting up like a prairie dog, but it was darker in color. Went through 15 miles of West Virginia before entering Ohio. Lots of hawks.
Exited for OH-668 to Brownsville and looked for Flint Ridge State Memorial, driving past hayfields with rolled bales and oil pumps. You could smell the oil. At the park, we used the restrooms. P.U.! We followed a trail for the handicapped with signs telling of the trees, and arrived at the museum. With AAA we received a 20% discount, so we only had to pay $4.
Flint Ridge State Memorial
adult ticket
Flint Ridge State Memorial
child ticket
The woman gave us 50 cents in change from $5, but then realized her error and gave us another 50 cents!
Flint Ridge State Memorial brochure
The tiny museum had displays about Indians mining the flint, geology, and had flint samples and arrowheads from many eras. Flint comes in many colors, and we saw some very old pieces.
Flint rock
Outside we followed a short trail to see the depressions in the ground, which were once flint pits, now full of leaves and water. Much of the undergrowth in the woods was wilting and dying due to the drought. It was hot, but not humid. Near the entrance we saw some flint outcroppings. Kyle and Erich went to play catch with the baseball. It was about 16:00 when we left to drive to Columbus, returning to I-70, then taking OH-315 into the city to find King Avenue.
We arrived about 17:00 at Hewitt’s big old Victorian house. Hewitt and Martha welcomed us despite the house being in shambles due to multiple renovations including totally re-doing the third floor. Sarah, who just finished kindergarten, was being extremely shy, but soon warmed up to Kyle and Erich. We had sodas and sat out in the back until dinner. We had brought two bottles of “Eye of the Storm” Sakonnet wine, from grapes harvested after Hurricane Gloria in 1985, a pale pink blush wine. We opened one of the bottles for dinner, which was huge steak ‘n’ onion with optional cheese sandwiches, and salad with ranch dressing. Very good! Then unload the car, kids to bed, and wedding video and album again! Strawberries and shortcake with whipped cream for dessert. Maybe we aren’t on diets, but we are trying to eat healthily.

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