Sunday, December 25, 1988

1988 Christmas (12/25/1988)

Sunday, December 25, 1988
Merry Christmas!

The alarm went off and then the phone rang. It was Mary Jane summoning us for the opening of the gifts. Got to Mary Jane’s about 6:40 and by 7:00 all the gifts were opened by Kyle, Erich, and Ben. We had brought several gifts for both Kyle and Erich, a Pitch Back, the Crossfire game, a Nintendo carrying case, a mystery book-puzzle, a computer game (Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego), and the Larry Bird/Red Auerbach Winning Basketball video. They each got the 1988 Topp’s updated baseball cards.
Had breakfast of scrambled eggs and bacon, stolen and croissants, and we brought a large fruit salad. The kids were more into their activity projects and had momentarily forgotten the new Nintendo games! (Crossfire ended up being the most popular!) Their big presents were a body surfing boogie board for Erich, and a bike for Kyle. We left at 9:30 to open our own gifts.
Our fireplace
Our Christmas tree
Christmas card designed by Terry B

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