Friday, July 4, 2008

2008 Peru Trip Day 1 (In-transit)

Once again our dear friend Jan offered us a trip of a lifetime, this time to visit Peru with her husband, Kirby, and her friend and favorite birding guide, Rob W. Once we had more information about dates and cost, it was decided that only Brynne and I would go. We were able to use Kent’s (!) frequent flyer miles to get airline tickets. Other preparations included being vaccinated for yellow fever and obtaining malaria and altitude sickness medications.

Friday, July 4, 2008
Anxious to get rid of us, I mean, to get us to the Jacksonville airport, Kent had us on our way by 3:00 PM. He dropped us off at the sparsely-populated airport; where is everybody? Celebrating Independence Day!
Since we could not check in online for an international flight, we had to check in here at the American Airlines desk. We looked at horror at the signs stating a checked bag cost $15 and the second $25. Thank goodness we only had carry-ons.
Most people manage just fine with a one-quart ziplock baggy to hold their liquids and gels at no more than 3 ounces each. But what about when you are packing as if you were going camping? Soap and detergent, sunscreen, insect repellent, and first-aid items such as an antiseptic, anti-itch, anti-fungal, disinfectant, eye drops, nasal spray, and water purification drops. We could barely close our quart bags.
Boarded the tiny American Eagle jet plane 30 minutes before take-off at 5:55 PM. Carry-on bags were valeted to below-decks in the plane. Flew to Miami.
Brynne at Miami Airport
Waited for the 11:45 PM flight to Peru. We had the middle two seats of the four in the middle of the American Airlines Airbus plane behind the bulkhead. That meant all our luggage had to be placed in the overhead bins, spread throughout the plane! Safety instructions on video in English, then Spanish. Tried to get as much sleep as possible.
Next: Day 2 Cusco.

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