Sunday, May 16, 2010

2010 Visit to Baltimore (5/14-16/10)

Kent had a business trip to Philadelphia, PA, and being so close to Baltimore, we decided to make the trip to see Erich & Vivian, and grandson, Dylan.

Friday, May 14, 2010
I arrived in time to accompany Vivian and Dylan to Panera for lunch, then ice cream, and feeding the ducks in the Inner Harbor.
At 4:30 I drove the rental car to the train station to wait for Kent's train from Philly. It was late. Back to Erich's to walk the dog and take Dylan to the neighborhood play area. When Erich came home we ordered Indian food. We stayed at a hotel near the Arundel Mills Mall.

Saturday, May 15, 2010
Our assignment was to keep Dylan entertained, so that his parents could unpack boxes and finish moving into their new apartment. We took Dylan to the Maryland Zoo.
Watched the polar bears from the Tundra Buggy,
and Dylan took a turn at the wheel.
A swimming polar bear: 
Up close to the cheetah:
Feeding the giraffe:
Dylan enjoyed setting off the sensor to start the water flowing at the hand washing station:
G'pa and Dylan penguins:
Coquerel's Sifaka was a new monkey species for us; they hopped on their two hind legs!
Dylan gets to ride the Banana Plane!
G'pa and G'ma finish building Dylan's loft bed:
We had dinner at the Cross Street Market with Vivian and Dylan, since Erich was working late.

Sunday, May 16, 2010
Today we took Dylan to the B & O Railroad Museum.
The G-scale model railroad kept us busy for a while with plenty of buttons to push.
Inside the roundhouse, the oldest of the train stock and other vehicles were displayed.
Lafayette "Grasshopper" Engine:
1830s railroad coach:
G'pa and Dylan:
In the roundhouse:
Conestoga Wagon:
Train on which we took the mile and a half ride:
In a caboose:
In a locomotive cab:
Dylan in the brakeman's seat:
There was also a fantastic HO-scale model railroad. As we left the museum, Dylan did not want to leave the souvenir shop. But leave we did, and he fell asleep on the drive home.
After dropping off Dylan, we left to have a big meal at G & M in Linthicum Heights, home of the big lumpy crabcake. Then to the airport to fly home.

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