Saturday, December 11, 2010

2010 Gingerbread Extravaganza (12/11/2010)

Saturday, December 11, 2010
Eighth Annual Rotary Gingerbread Extravaganza
Gingerbread Scavenger Hunt

Clue #15. My, oh my, M&Ms galore, I'll eat them all and ask for more!
Georgia Florida Blood Alliance
Blood Drop
(made with red M&Ms)
Clue #8. Santa is ready to play some football, and he wishes a Merry "Teal" Christmas to one and all.
Jaxon de Ville's House
Clue # 1. Children are singing around the Christmas tree, wishing a Merry Christmas to you and me!
Clue #6. Safe in a crib the baby's asleep while his loving parents a vigil will keep.
Healthy Start
A Blue Ribbon winner, one of three Life Saving Stations!
Clue # 3. You must see this lighted "Big Apple" city, it includes Spiderman and a tree that's so pretty.
Another Blue Ribbon winner.
The Grand Children of Cinotti's (sic):
Clue #4. Row down the river on Christmas Day and you'll find two houses and a party underway.
Clue # 5. It's exactly the same as this place that you stand and decked out for Christmas, it looks very grand.
Old St Andrews Church
The Three Little Pigs
The Trophy Winner!
Clue # 12. See this big house both inside and out, Christmas and a frozen fountain are what it's about.
Mema's House
The Florida Yacht Club
Clue # 2. Seven red ropes (hoses) hang on this truck, guessing this one won't take much luck!
Fire engine
Clue # 14. Look for Santa on a spaceship -- he must be in for quite a trip!
Another Blue Ribbon winner.
Clue # 10. Be sure to see this faraway land with camels and pyramids that sit in the sand.
Clue # 9. Children play and learn under a big tree -- jumping rope and reading -- I wish it were me.
Clue # 13. When you see ducks (gulls), seashells, and snowmen of sand, you know you're on Florida land.
Another Life Saving Station and another Blue Ribbon winner.
Note the detail - the gulls:
the pelican swallowing a fish and the sea oats:
the fence and life rings:
Even a list of the ingredients!
Clue # 7. Fly away in a house that's groovy just like in the famous movie.
Another Blue Ribbon winner.
Cluue # 11. If you need something for your "top," be sure to visit this cute little shop.
Hat Shop
Hat Shop interior:

2010 Make a Scene Downtown (
Third Annual Holiday Window Displays
11 E Forsyth (1926)
Formerly the Lynch Building (
"Holiday Enchantment…his journey begins!"
by Bob Shivers.
Third Place Winner.
"Christmas Blessings"
by Seacoast Christian Academy.
Seond Place Winner.
"All Dressed Up & Nowhere to Go!"
by Argie Mitra.
First Place Winner.
Part of First Place winner:

Downtown Jacksonville
New location for Gen. Andrew Jackson, at the foot of Laura Street.
Clock ( at Jacob's Jewelers, commissioned in 1901 by Greenleaf and Crosby Building, restored by Jacob's.
Elks [Club] Building (1926) panorama

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