Friday, April 8, 2011

Chicken on the Barbie in the Park (4/8/2011)

Thursday, April 7, 2011
A 19th century residence, a 20th century hospital (yellow), and a 21st century Metro station entrance.
Today I went to visit another landmark building in Shanghai, the Library.
Built in 1996, the building has two towers culminating in pyramids which indicate the library is "the place to gain knowledge and scale the heights of science and technology."
Exterior mosaics:
The Thinker: 
Behind the library:
Library atrium:
I just wanted to look at some plant guide books to help identify flowers and trees, but you can't even enter the browsing rooms without a library card. And I couldn't apply for a card today because our passports are still in process of getting new long term visas.

Friday, April 8th
Another visitor to Shanghai. I haven't been able to identify from what part of China she hails:
Met Kent and a co-worker at 3:00 pm to take the Metro out to Zhongshan Park. Previously a private garden of a British property developer, it became public in 1914. In 1944 it was re-named in honor of Sun Zhongshan (Sun Yatsen) who is considered the father of modern China.
A young man was weaving his feet around small cones, his feet being on.. two halves of a skateboard? Two mini-inline skateboards?
The park was wonderfully landscaped:
White and purple lilacs:
Mystery purple flower on 2-ft. stalks:
A Hesperis.
Cherry trees in full bloom:
Feral cats:
Flowering Quince:
At the far end of the park, BASF employees were meeting for a barbecue:
at the Foster Overseas Original Arts Gallery:
We perused the two room gallery with miscellaneous art, half by unknown Russian artists.
A large bit of limestone stalagmite used as decoration:
There were fruit juices (orange, pear, kiwi, mango?) and a few petit fours. Later they brought out sliced fruit platters and salads. Many people were complaining that there was no beer, so the catering company went to get some warm Heineken. Eventually the main courses came out buffet-style. Lots of meat on a stick (chicken, beef, pork that tasted like scrapple, sausages), plus mushrooms and peppers on a stick, all grilled on the barbie. Plus a fried rice dish and a noodle dish. A cat kept wandering in under the tables, and was carried out three times by staff. There were about 30 people in attendance, including some kids.
When it was dark, you could see blinking lights on large kites flying high in the sky.

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