Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Second Day in Xi'an (7/20/2011)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Our flight from Chengdu to Chongqing later in the week was cancelled. No other flights available, so we had to stand in a line at a window to buy train tickets:
Another hazy gray day.
Walked to the Yongning Men/South Gate of the Ancient City Walls:
This guy had a unique broom for sweeping up flower petals:
Ancient trash can:
City Wall on the south side towards the west:
Bronze bell:
Forecourt of South Gate:
South wall looking east, with the moat:
 South Gate:
The roller blader didn't look like he would make it very far.
View up South Street towards the Bell Tower:
Retail complex:
We are on the City Wall:
Where we rented bikes to ride around the 8.5 miles of the wall.
Brynne and Tamiko:
Brynne and Kent:
The City Walls were built in the 14th century. They are 12m tall and 12-14m wide. Brynne wasn't too sure about trying to balance a bicycle on top of a wall, but she didn't fall off this one!
Outside the City Wall at the SW corner:
Inside the City Wall at the SW corner:
Anding Men/West Gate:
Guangren Lamasery:
NW corner tower:
The Chinese know how to build defensive walls:
Table tennis players:
Anyuan Men/North Gate:
Busy plaza:
North Railway Station from the City Wall:
Bus station:
Pavilion on the City Wall:
We made the full circle, or rectangle, in about 90 minutes, with lots of stops for photos.
Drawbridge at the South Gate:
Lunch at a place offering frog's oviduct with a nice wine pairing:
We had great spicy cauliflower, kept warm by a sterno burner:
Next, to the airport and off to Chengdu.

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