Saturday, October 22, 2011

Nanxiang (10/22/2011)

Saturday, October 22, 2011
What a nice day, sunny & warm!
Took Metro Line 11 out to Nanxiang, walked east one block and turned right. At a major intersection, we saw this stainless steel sculpture:
The sculpture is of white cranes, the symbol of Nanxiang.
We continued one long block, and noticed these flycatchers: 
The exterior wall of Guyi Garden also showed the white crane:
Entrance to Guyi Garden:
Guyi Garden is one of the top five gardens in Shanghai. It was established in 1522 with extensive remodeling in 1746, and opened to the community in 1789. The garden was designed by Zhu Shansong, a well-known bamboo carving master of the Ming Dynasty.
Brass lion door knockers:
The Nanxiang Screen Wall:
Sort of topiary:
Electronic sign:
Metalwork floral art:
Brass cranes:
Covered corridors:
Covered corridor detail:
Nine-Bend Bridge with pavilion:
Flower-bordered path:
Young river pilot:
View from Nine-Bend Bridge:  
Pavilion with Missing Corner:
I really was taking a photo of the fist on the tip of the eave!
The missing corner in remembrance of the time of occupation by the Japanese:
A better photo of the fist which is on the other three corners:
The "Untied Boat:"
Vendor of artificial flowers:
Tang Dynasty stone sutra pillar:
Recluse Hall/Main Reception Hall:
Lamp in Recluse Hall:
Unusual window openings:
Oxalis triangularis
That yellow flower and a bee:
The plant is Ligularia dentata, I believe.
These stones represent five old men playing violin:
Covered corridor bridge:
Fish-shaped shelving:
Kent on the "Untied Boat:"
Mosaic walkway:
Moon gate:
Covered corridors with inscription tablets:
Plum Blossom Hall:
Plum blossom mosaic:
Gingko penjing:
Bamboo penjing:
Mosaic and stone stools:
Those yellow flowers again:
Polygonia c-aureum/Asian Comma Butterfly:
Stepping stones:
Bamboo forest:
Tamiko in the forest:
How did I get ahead of Kent?
Tiny stone penjing:
Some stones in the "Stone Enjoy Hall:"
On the swing - candid: 
On the swing when mom told them to smile:
Floral art:
Song Dynasty stone pagoda:
The Great Lawn (The Green and Clean Garden?):
Kids' paddle boat:
At the Guyi Garden Restaurant, lunch of steamed dumplings:
Dumpling steamer:
Sibling rivalry:
We were searching for the Nanxiang Old Street without any luck. Then, believe it or not, we received help, and a ride, from Bruce Lee!
Nanxiang Old Street:
Taiping Bridge:
Canalized river:
Longxing Bridge:
Old Street:
Flipping a coin into the wishing well:
The wishing well:
Kent's coin is on the rim.
Twin stone pagodas:
Yunxiang Temple, Bell Tower:
Plant offering:
Citrus medica var. sarcodactylus/Buddha's Hand or fingered citron:
Drum Tower: 
Stone table and stools:
Matavira Hall:
Offering container:
Chiwen, the son of the dragon with the fish body:
He provides protection from fires.
Turtles and koi:
Nanxiang Entertainment Center:
Wedding photography?:

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