Saturday, October 1, 2011

National Holiday at the Market (10/1/2011)

Saturday, October 1, 2011
Today is the National Holiday, marking the day when Mao Zedong proclaimed the People's Republic of China from the balcony of Tianan Men/Gate in Beijing on October 1, 1949. We have until October 5th off from work and schools seem to have a whole week off.
Sweet osmanthus (we know it as tea olive) at Grand Gateway:
Holiday decoration at Grand Gateway:
Chipping off the asphalt with with hammers:
Today we looked for the wet market, but found an electronics market instead. Then a regular market on Renmin Jie just as Yunnan Road merges with it.
Sidewalk service:
Butchers in the open:
I think those things in the front are gelatinous ducks' blood:
Crabs behind the fish:
What are those things in the back left corner?
Now we know why the ducks seemed stunned and don't go running off:
Their legs are tied together.
Noodle lady:
Guy in pajamas:
Line for a popular butcher:
Including a guy in pajamas!
Nice shoes!
Golden Magnolia Plaza:
It's hard to see the open framework at the top of this skyscraper.

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