Saturday, November 5, 2011

Hidden Shanghai (2nd CPC Congress Site & Pet Market 11/5/2011)

Saturday, November 5, 2011
Yesterday was 94% humidity and today is 96%! No wonder I am always sticky and wet!
We had breakfast at Haya's Mediterranean Restaurant and bought some bagels.
Then went in search of the site of the 2nd National Congress of the Communist Party of China. We had visited the site of the First Congress two times already, and I wrote down the address of the second, just to have a look.
Found just a wall at the corner of Dagu and Chengdu Roads:
But that wasn't it. Here is the Site of the Second National Congress of CPC:
So many guards! Who knew there was a museum?
Preface Hall with a sculpture:
representing the campaign for the rights of the workers, farmers, women... along with an intellectual.
The conference room:
The congress took place on July 16-22, 1922. This was when the constitution was drafted.
Desk under the stairs outside the conference room:
Across the alley was the Pingming School:
established by the CPC for women.
A boarding school:
The lane between the congress site and the school:
The school side of the building:
Shikumen/stone-gate housing style.
In the park behind the congress site:
The elevated roads maze at Chengdu and Yan'an intersection:
Under the elevated roads, the plants are suffering from pollution:
Fatsia japonica.
Took Kent to the Plant & Pet Market.
More white-eyes:
Name this psittaforme:
Cricket paraphernalia:
Common Hill Mynas:
Cyanecula suecica/Red-spotted Bluethroat:
Bird food:
Tiny kitten in tiny cage:
Chinese thrushes:
The middle one scraped the top of his head.
Fat cricket:
More crickets:
Tiny crickets:
Siberian Rubythroat on a leash:
Growling myna:
Erythrura gouldiae/Gouldian Finches:
Mossy turtle:
Baby turtles:
Floral arrangement:
typically seen in front of new stores for their grand openings.
Fish-bowl planter:
Bamboo tower:
Started to rain...
The ringing bell of the recycling man:

Another day on Tianyaoqiao Lu:

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