Sunday, December 4, 2011

Yokohama, Japan (12/4/2011)

Sunday, December 4, 2011
Our last day in Japan, and it was nice and sunny!
Kimie helped us get headed in the right direction, by seeing us to the Shibuya Station and onto the correct train to Yokohama.
There we met a family friend of the Stumpes, YK and his wife Keiko. When Kent's family was stationed in Japan in the 1960s, YK came to practice English with them. They have kept in touch ever since.
We first had lunch at the small but upscale Cradle Restaurant:
YK, Kent, Tamiko, and Keiko:
Then we went on a short walking tour of Yokohama. One thinks of this city as a busy harbor city, but they have managed to make it very appealing to tourists.
The emphasis is on the area as the first place where Westerners were allowed to live, thus Western architecture:
The Foreign Cemetery:
Views from Harbor View -
The Yokohama Bay Bridge:
The Marine Tower:
A praying mantis:
Outside the Doll Museum:
Keiko, Tamiko and Kent:
The gingko trees in fall colors:
The Marine Tower:
The historic Hikawa Maru ocean liner:
The old section of the Hotel New Grand:
Where General MacArthur first had his headquarters.
An electric taxi:
We took the electric taxi to the bus station to catch the bus to Narita Airport.
Farewell pictures with Keiko:
and YK:
Thank you, YK and Keiko, for everything you provided us in Yokohama!
Back in Shanghai before the day ended.

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