Sunday, May 6, 2012

Backstreets of Shanghai (5/6&19/2012)

Sunday, May 6, 2012
Another beautiful day!
Breakfast at Egghead Bagels, then walked down Shaanxi Bei Lu towards Nanjing Xi Lu.
Turned on Nanyang Lu and found a "flat building:"
A garbage truck was in the way to get a good photo of the top of the brick building that looks like it is a flat wall. It's funny, because we were on our way to see another flat building.
Interesting gate:
Note the clay pigeons on the wall:
A mobile shop:
Majestic Theatre:
Built in 1941 in Art Deco-style.
Children's Food store:
All candies and snacks!
Now we are on Shanxi Lu, an octopus with blinking light eyes:
On Ningbo Lu near Fujian Zhong Lu, a flat building at #390:
This one has a street going behind it!
From the side:
A mangosteen vendor:
Danfeng Lu, a narrow lane, with the sewer worker:
This must be where the residents dump their honey buckets:
That makes this guy the honey dipper.
Construction methods: guy below is mixing cement and slopping it into buckets:
Then he hangs the 1-liter buckets on a rope and hauls it up to the workers:
So 3-4 workers get a liter of cement at a time.
The crowded lane just got more crowded:
A blooming pittosporum:
They are very fragrant here.
Today we also went through Yu Gardens, the Dongmen or Shiliupu Fabric Market, and looked for bookstores down Fuxing Lu. The reason we didn't find any was because they are on Fuzhou Lu!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012
A nice day for a walk, went in search of another flower market, the Jingsheng at #96 Anshun Lu:
Jasminum sambac/Jasmine:
Women on the streets sell bracelets of braided jasmine buds. This is the flower used to make jasmine tea.
This building narrowly missed being in the Metro eminent domain:
Not another shopping mall!
M-Town is opening soon.
With its white pigeon and jazz band statues:
A school field trip:

Saturday, May 19, 2012
No fair!  It is sunny during the week, and rainy on the weekend!
Nevertheless, we went to the Expo Village:
Leftover from the 2010 Shanghai International Expo, it is now another "ghost town."
Not sure why this British roadster is sitting at the American Bubba's BBQ Grill:
The Bubba's Second Annual BBQ Cook-off:
Most of the "teams" did not have food ready in large enough quantities, and we tired of waiting in the rain.
BBQ sauce fountain:
Pig carcass as serving tray:
I suppose the grenade in the mouth means the BBQ is explosive?
Kent with one of his two "free" beers:
The Tex-Pats:
The lacrosse team:
Mexico Lindo had sort of Dallas cheerleaders:
Another "Chinese-Mexican:"
Knife wielder for the team in hula skirts and Indian headdresses:
Kent with Jim Masdea:
Give yourself a hand if you knew he played drums for the band Boston. So what's he doing in China? He promotes an Australian wine...
Walked back along Pudong Avenue way south:
Something Thai with the gold elephants?
A natatorium:
With its sculpture.
Later we went to Sinan Mansions for the Craft Beer Festival:
Still raining!
Kent tried Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale.
Out on Sinan Lu, the construction workers were using pieces of plastic tarp as rain gear:
Praying for no rain tomorrow!

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