Saturday, August 11, 2012

90th Birthday Party (8/11/2012)

Saturday, August 11, 2012
We celebrated Bert's 90th birthday one month early, at a time we could get the whole family together. Once again we rented two condos in Indian Rocks Beach, FL, right on the Gulf of Mexico.
Mike and Ada after moving in on Friday:
The view from the condo:
Dan brewed up a batch of beer dedicated to Bert:
"Colonel's Best:"
This is Dan:
Tamiko and Dan:
Honeycomb hats from China were our party hats. They can be worn two ways.
Jackson and Lance:
Ryan shows the two ways to wear the hat:
Erich, Pete and Dylan did not arrive until Sunday, but here they are in the hats:
The birthday dinner was a spread from Sonny's BBQ; the littlest ones ate first. Jackson and Delaney with Trista and Lance:
Mike, Bert and Kent:
Bert gives a welcome speech:
The birthday cake:
Bert slicing the cake:

Some of the gifts:
Candid camera photos:
Kent, Maddy, Ryan on Friday:
Ryan and Dan:
Brynne, Kyle, Ada:
Kent, Dan:
Donna, Dan:
Kent, Ada, Mike:
Maddy, Trista:
Ryan, Maddy:
Scary Jackson:
The White Shirt Gang, Mike, Donna, Lance, Ryan, Maddy:
Kyle, Ada, Ryan:
The sunset:
Happy 90th Birthday, Bert!

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