Sunday, September 30, 2012

Seoul 2: Insadong-gil & Jogyesa (9/30/2012)

Sunday, September 30, 2012
We walked over to Insadong-gil, a small street of shops, restaurants and galleries, that is closed and made a pedestrian street on Sundays.
Kent with pals at the start of the street:
The stone sculptures apparently let you know you have reached Insadong-gil.
Another clue is the giant calligraphy brush that has started writing a Korean character:
A homeless person's bed in the middle of the street:
A waterway along the street:
Finally, a boy in traditional dress:
Getting quite crowded:
These girls are advertising some show:
Found a place to eat lunch:
The problem in countries with a different alphabet, we don't know the name of the restaurant!
Our lunch sides:
Including (clockwise) a sort of potato salad, a sort of cole slaw, kimchi cabbage, hot pepper beans, and a light sauce for what?
Our main dish was a dolsot bibimbap, a rice dish in a hot stone pot/bowl:
We chose seafood that seemed to be mostly octopus. We also had a giant pancake with green onions and seafood.
The big shopping center was closed on Sunday:
A couple of Buddhist nuns:
Must be a temple nearby; ah, yes!
The Jogyesa/JogyeTemple:
With a Sakyamuni Buddha:
Octagonal Ten-story Buddha Relic Stupa:
Built in 2009 to be in the form of a traditional Korean stupa for the 100th anniversary of the temple.
A 500-year old Baeksong/Pinus bungeana/Lacebark Pine:
The Metro had what they call "bike ways:"
I believe you are meant to walk your bike with the wheels in these tracks, not actually ride down them!
Next stop, the Deoksugung Palace.

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