Sunday, December 30, 2012

Chau Doc (12/30/2012)

Sunday, December 30, 2012
We arrived at the dining room before it opened for breakfast. We noticed that we were already docked at Chau Doc, and the way was open:
So we disembarked to take a short walk.
Christmas decorations:
Hmm, the dung shop:
Also, the medical high technology ward:
Riverside park hedges:
Riverside park fountain:
The symbol of Chau Doc: Basa catfish:
Vietnamese sidewalk restaurants must be one of the largest consumers of children's furniture:
Back on the RV Indochina where we have a choice of cereals, yogurts, and fruits:
Plus breakfast meats, hash browns, pancakes, and you can have eggs cooked to order. There is always a special Asian breakfast dish with rice or noodles.
We transferred to a water bus for our 8:30 excursion, and joined the river traffic of water rickshaws:
And water taxis:
There were houseboats:
We disembarked at a Cham village:
Rickety dock (we were told to keep one meter apart so as to not overload the dock!):
Patti's new hat:
Flood levels:
Cham children:
Cham women:
Cham men:
Wooden puzzles:
Too bad we had just eaten breakfast:
Cham toddler:
Our guide, Thien, points out a septic tank:

Amaurornis phoenicurus/White-breasted Waterhen:

A two-week old baby!
Colorful laundry:
Bringing home bamboo poles:
Back into our water bus to go to a fish farm:
That's Tom's group boarding their water bus.
The floating fish farm sits over quite a a netted area. Boards in the floor can be removed to access the fish. They threw in fish food pellets to excite the fish:
Living quarters:
The neighbor's floating garden:
Mixing a batch of fish food from rice husks or bran and fish parts:
The machine that feeds the above mash to the fish:
We returned to the RV Indochina, only to immediately hop on the trishaws for a tour of the town of Chau Doc.
A farmer vendor uses a trishaw:

Friendly girls:
Wild fabrics:
Bakery lady:
The market:
Scooter family:
Pastel shophouses:
PlayStation shop:
What the...?
Lone new house:
A ferry big enough for cars:
This time when we returned to the boat, we boarded. We were to depart at 11:00, but were held up by a sister ship who had double-parked:
They had missing passengers (it was a Russian tour group). We left an hour behind schedule.
Next, Cu Lao Gien.

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