Sunday, May 19, 2013

Cleveland Museum of Contemporary Art (5/19/2013)

Sunday, May 19, 2013
Between lunch in Little Italy and the Hessler Street Fair, we took a detour into MOCA (Museum of Contemporary Art). It was Family Sunday with free admission.
Museum of Contemporary Art
The new building opened in October 2012 and was designed by Iranian-born London-educated Farshid Moussavi. MOCA is a non-collecting gallery, in other words, it does not have its own collection of art work. The space is used for events and exhibitions.
Along the staircase, a large, spray-painted abstraction on the walls of the atrium by Berlin artist Katharina Grosse.
Atrium wall (2012, by Katharina Grosse)
The stairway which appears freestanding, leads eventually to a dead end, called the Observation Landing:
Kent on the Observation Landing
Looking straight down from Observation Landing
The exhibition today was titled "Kate Gilmore, A Body of Work." She is a performance artist, and in one room you viewed the videos of her performances. In another room you saw the result of the performance:
Result of the video performance by Kate Gilmore
There was also a makeshift theater where you sat in the dark and wore headphones. While silly things happened onscreen, you heard voices from the "audience."

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