Sunday, September 8, 2013

Venetian Lagoon Islands (9/8/2013)

Sunday, September 8, 2013
Today, Kent had a caffe latte with breakfast, definitely larger than an espresso!
Piazzale Roma pigeons wait for the water taxi:
All that moss makes you realize you are surrounded by water.
And watch your step at low tide:
We took vaporetto/water bus #3 from Piazzale Roma and headed out into the lagoon. Venice is made up of 118 very small islands separated by canals but linked by bridges. These islands are but one group in the Venetian Lagoon that stretches over 20 miles. It is mostly mud flats with a network of dredged channels.
We passed Isola San Michele/St Michael's Island that is considered part of Venice:
It is the designated cemetery island, as it is considered unsanitary to bury bodies in Venice proper.
There is a Chiesa di San Michele in Isola/Church of St Michael:
Our first island to visit was Murano, known for glass making, and in particular lampworking (melting the glass with torches instead of a furnace).
The canals of Murano are lined with fornaci/furnaces:
And glass makers' showrooms:
A pair of glass mosaics:
Glass mosaic up close:
A glass mosaic QR code:
Showroom windows:
View of the canal in Murano:
Apparently the palaces in Venice were once was as colorful as this.
A rotted canal post:
The water in the lagoon lacks oxygen, so the wood underwater does not rot. But at the water line, it does.
The dog is disrespecting the shrine:
Chiesa di San Pietro Martire/Church of St Peter the Martyr (1511, in Renaissance style):
The windows are made of rui glass, circles of glass sometimes called "bottle bottoms." We were able to sit in the church a few minutes before Mass began.
A view of Piazza di Murano:
A small square with a well, clock/bell tower and a glass sculpture:
Comet of Glass (2007) by Simone Cenedese:
Palazzo da Mula:
It may be the oldest palace on Murano's Grand Canal, and it may also be the Town Hall.
The clock/bell tower of Basilica dei SS Maria & Donato/Basilica of Saints Mary and Donatus )of Arezzo):
The Basilica (1040):
The more impressive side of the church is its rear:
Brickwork detail:
Inside the church was an amazing tile mosaic floor that was undulating, it was so old. We looked for the mosaic of a yoked pair of roosters carrying a fox, only to discover it had been removed for restoration!
Out in the square, a couple of photos with balloons stating "hurray for the newlyweds:"
Is it the same couple?
Look at the tiny boat dock:
We visited the Museo del Vetro/Glass Museum, and found its 'pièce de résistance' (cavallo di battaglia?), the Barovier wedding cup (1470/1480):
An awesome table centerpiece:
We would not have any room left for the plates!
Quite the flat screen TV frame:
We took a local vaporetto/water bus to the Faro/Lighthouse stop:
Then changed to another vaporetto to take us to the island of Burano.
Burano is known for lacemaking and colorful houses:
Even the patio umbrellas are colorful:
Via Baldassare Galuppi:
View towards Piazza Baldassare Galuppi:
We wanted to see the most colorful house, but apparently it is hard to find. Instead we have "less" colorful houses on the main drag:
Then there is colorful in another sense:
We couldn't visit the Chiesa di San Martino/St Martin's Church because of a wedding:
Folks from the wedding set up this table and chairs with a sign:
Something about watching that this love remains secure, as this beautiful party begins with a toast. A bust of Baldassare Galuppi (1706-1785, composer) himself stands guard.
The crowd waiting for the couple to emerge:
War Memorial on the church:
We shared a spinach pocket at the Bar Caffe Palmisano, choosing it because it was the busiest:
We were joined by a group of partiers (note the platinum blonde wig):
We had already noticed them in a private boat on our way to the island.
We visited the Museo del Merletto/Lace Museum:
Fountain detail:
Now to leave the main drag for more colorful houses:
Oh, the bell tower really is leaning!
A fishing boat:
That leaning tower again:
It was laundry day in Burano:
The whole town was decorated for the wedding:
See, it's laundry day:
And people have shower curtains across their front doors:
A house of many colors:
This was the most colorful house we found:
The most colorful canal:
A balcony garden:
Even the insides of the boats are colorful:
We were a bit disappointed that the sun was behind clouds for our visit to such a colorful place.
Back to the dock to catch a vaporetto to the island of Torcello.
Torcello was the first island to be inhabited and it became an important trade center. But the water around the island became swampy and boats were unable to navigate to the island. The swamps increased the problem of malaria, and most of the population left, allowing Venice to become more powerful.
Today the island seemed very pleasant, especially since the sun came out!
Kent on the Ponte del Diavolo/Devil's Bridge:
It is the right height for boats and their pilots:
Locanda Cipriani (opened in 1935 by the same man who opened Harry's Bar):
It must be the Cipriani name that attracted guest like Ernest Hemingway to stay here.
Tamiko in the Trono di Attila/Throne of Attila:
Attila the Hun didn't really sit here; perhaps magistrates or bishops. We later heard that anyone who sits here will be married within a year. Oops!
Chiesa di Santa Fosca (11-12C):
Oh, that case under the altar held the remains of St Fosca, the virgin martyr of Ravenna.
Duomo di Santa Maria dell'Assunta/Holy Mary of the Assumption Cathedral (1008, Venetian-Byzantine style):
Faded frescoes:
The interior of the church is filled with mosaics and has marble pavement. There is a sarcophagus of Sant'Eliodoro/St Heliodorus and it is said that the skull of St Cecilia is kept here.
The campanile/bell tower was under scaffolding:
Mossy statue:
Cupressus sempervirens/Mediterranean Cypress:
We had an early dinner at the Ristorante al Trono di Attila:
Spaghetti marinara and calf liver Venetian-style (stewed with onions) served with polenta.
Tomorrow we catch up on the top ten things to see in Venice.

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