Thursday, September 5, 2013

Venice Grand Canal/Right Bank (9/5/2013)

Thursday, September 5, 2013
Having arrived a day earlier than Kent, I decided to thoroughly document the Canal Grande di Venezia, or as they call it in Venice, Canalasso. I started at Piazzale Roma where the wheeled traffic stops in Venice, catching a vaporetto/water bus. I took Line #2, but should have taken the local #1 as it goes much slower.
Fisrt you pass under the Ponte della Costituzione/Bridge of the Constitution or Calatrava Bridge:
built in 2008 and designed by Spanish architect and engineer Santiago Calatrava. It was opened on the 60th anniversary of the Italian constitution.
Due to complaints that the bridge was not accessible to the elderly and wheelchairs (what bridge is in Venice?), this "cocoon" mobility lift system was added:
Starting with the right bank, there are the Giardini Papadopoli/Papadopoli Gardens:
A land entrance with souvenir stand:
Established in 1834 on the grounds of a demolished convent owned by entrepreneurs from Corfu.
A statue of Pietro Paleocapa:
"Of modern hydraulic principles."
A wrought-iron "window:"
Back on the vaporetto...
Casa Minotti/Hotel Canal:
Casa Scattolin/Hotel Airone (17 or 18C):
Supposedly only the Doge families could own palazzi/palaces. Everyone else had a casa/house, often shortened to Ca'.
Ca' Emo Diedo (18C attributed to Andrea Tirali, Neoclassical-style in tripartite/divided into threes):
Hotel Carlton on the Grand Canal (18C):
From L to R, San Simeone Piccolo (1718-38), Scuola dei Tessitori di Panni di Lana/Wool Weaver Guild (17C), and Hotel Antiche Figure (15 or 16C):
Another view of San Simeone Piccolo, built by Giovanni Antonio Scalfarotto in emerging eclectic Neoclassical style:
Ca' Adoldo (1520 and Ca' Foscari Contarini (16C):
Ponte degli Scalzi/Bridge of the Barefoot Monks (1934, designed by Eugenio Miozzi):
The lady with the baby stroller is doing better pulling it up the steps backwards:
Ca' Polacco/Hotel Canal Grande (20C):
Unidentified (20C):
A 20C building, Ca' Corner (16C) and Ca' Gritti (16C):
Note the vaporetto/water bus stop to the right. Until recently they were simply flat docks, but now the shelters obstruct our views!
Ca' Dona' Balbi (17C):
There's vaporetto line #1!
Ca' Zen (19C):
Casa Bevilacqua Arte della Seta/silk (19C):
Casa Rizzoli (19C):
Does the garden belong to the house on the Grand Canal or on the side canal?
Ca' Foscarini Giovanelli (15C):
Casa del Boia and Casa Calle San Zorzi:
Casa Correr (17C):
Fondaco dei Turchi (13C):
Built by Giacomo Palmier, it later served as the one-building ghetto for the Ottoman Turkish population (early 17C-1838). The ground floor was for the warehouses and market, and the upper floors for living quarters.
Fondaco del Megio/Millet/13C grain store (now an elementary school!):
Ca' Belloni Battagia (17C, by Baldassarre Longhena):
Note the obelisk-shaped pinnacles.
Ca' Tron (c. 1570, now University Institute of Architecture of Venice):
Ca' Duodo Balbi Valier (15C):
Ca' Priuli Bon-Dandolo (15 or 16C):
What are they building in the Garden of Ca' Bacchin delle Palme?
The Vaporetto dell'Arte passes in front of San Stae (17C):
Ca' Rossi (17C) and Ca' Coccina Giunti Foscarini Giovanelli (17C):
Ca' Pesaro (completed 1710, designed by Baldassarre Longhena and completed by Gian Antonio Gaspari, in Baroque style):
Ca' Pugnalin Correggio (18C) and Ca Dona' Sangiantoffetti (17C):
Apparently Johnny Depp purchased the casa on the right in 2011. Now it has a 'For Sale' sign on it.
Ca' Corner della Regina (18C):
Ca' Bragadin Favretto (16C):
Ca' Fornoni (16C) and Ca' Jona:
Ca' Morosini Brandolin (15C, in gotico fiorito/Flamboyant Gothic style):
16C building and Ca' della Pretura (under wraps):
Is that man naked?
18C and 19C buildings, Casa Calle Boteri:
Loggia della Pescheria/Fish Market:
The Rialto fish market was established in the 11th century; the building is 20C.
Campo della Pescheria/Fish market square:
Fabbriche Nuove/New Offices (1555, designed by by Jacopo Sansovino):
Fabbriche Vecchie/Old Offices (1522, by Antonio Abbondi known as Scarpagnino):
Ca' dei Camerlenghi/Financial Magistrates (1525-28):
Ponte di Rialto/Rialto Bridge (1591):
There are two rows of shops on the bridge. It is the oldest bridge crossing the Grand Canal and for a long time was the only bridge crossing it.
Ca' dei Dieci Savi (16C, by Antonio Abbondi known as Scarpagnino):
18C building:
Casa Bisognini, Casa Calle dei Cinque, 19C building, Casa Caffi, Hotel Marconi and Casa Fracca:
Casa Silvestri, Casa Pasquato and Casa Solotti:
20C building:
17C building:
Casa Rava' (20C):
Ca' Barzizza (12C) and Casa Chiurlotto (16C):
Ca' Giustinian Businello (12-17C) and Ca' Lanfranchi (18C):
Ca' Coccina Tiepolo Papadopoli (c. 1580):
Ca' Dona' de la Madoneta (12C) and Dona' della Trezza (13-16C):
Ca' Bernardo (15C):
Ca' Grimani Marcello and Ca' Giustinian Querini Dubois:
Ca' Cappello Layard Carnelutti (16C):
Ca' Barbarigo della Terrazza (17C):
Ca' Pisani Moretta (15C, Flamboyant Gothic style):
Ca' Tiepoletto Passi (15C) and Ca' Tiepolo (16C):
Ca' Giustinian Persico (16C), 19C building and 15C building:
Ca' Marcello dei Leoni (17C):
Ca' Dolfin (16C):
Ca' Civran Grimani (17C) and Ca' Dandolo Paolucci:
Ca' Caotorta-Angaran (19C) and 19C building:
Ca' Balbi (1582, designed by Alessandro Vittoria):
Ca' Foscari (from 1453):
Ca' Giustinian (15C, designed by Bartolomeo Bon):
Richard Wagner lived in Ca' Giustinian in 1858-9.
Ca' Giustinian Bernardo (17C):
Ca' Bernardo Nani (16C):
Ca' Rezzonico (1756, designed by Baldassarre Longhena and completed by Giorgio Massari in Baroque style):
 Unknown building and Ca' Contarini Michiel (15-17C):
Ca' Madama Stern (20C, by Giuseppe Berti):
Ca' Moro a San Barnaba (16C):
Was the Moor the inspiration for Shakespeare's Othello?
Ca' Loredan dell'Ambasciatore (15C):
Casa Mainella: (19C):
I know some Mainellas! Unfortunately the casa is under wraps.
Ca' Contarini Corfu' (15-17C, by Francisco Smeraldi) and Ca' Contarini degli Scrigni (17C, by Vincenzo Scamozzi):
Ca' Mocenigo Gambara (17C):
Ca' Querini Vianello (18C):
Scuola Grande di Santa Maria della Carita (1344):
Home of the Gallerie dell'Accademia/Academy [Art] Galleries.
Ponte dell'Accademia/Academy Bridge (1985):
Ca' Contarini dal Zaffo (15C) and Ca' Brandolin Rota (17C):
Ca' Molin Balbi-Valier della Trezza (17C):
Ca' Loredan Cini (16C):
Ca' Barbarigo (16C, mosaics applied 1886):
Ca' da Mula (15C):
Palazzo Venier dei Leoni (1749, unfinished):
Home to the Peggy Guggenheim Collection.
Wake Forest University:
Ca' Dario (Venetian Gothic style with polychrome marble decoration on the facade):
Casa Salviati (19C, with 1924 mosaic):
Casa Santomaso (15C) and Ca' Orio Semitecolo Benzon (15C):
Ca' Genovese (19C), Ca' Campo San Gregorio and Ca' Nani Mocenigo (16C):
Ca' Genovese (19C):
Santa Maria della Salute (1631-1681, by Baldassare Longhena):
Patriarchal Society (17C, by Baldassare Longhena):
Dogana da Mar/Customs House (1678-82, by Giuseppe Benoni):
We have reached one end of the canal where we will disembark at Piazza San Marco, and board another vaporetto to return up the Grand Canal.
Next: The Grand Canal: Left Bank.

1 comment:

  1. Jax thankyou very much for such a detailed and comprehensive blog. I can now put names to nearly all of the photos I took on our swift ride down the Grand canal. Cheers, Pauline Oborne. Adelaide, Australia.
