Saturday, November 2, 2013

Cleveland Public Library (11/2/2013)

Saturday, November 2, 2013
We went to the Main Library of the Cleveland Public Library. 
Gate to the Eastman Reading Garden (Bronze by Tom Otterness):
The Reading Garden is located between the Main Library and the new Louis Stokes Wing:
The central pool area was designed by Maya Lin, artist, and her brother, Tan Lin, poet. Maya Lin is the designer of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC. She was born in Athens, Ohio.
The Reading Nest by Mark Reigelman:
We went to the 4th floor of the Louis Stokes Wing to see a display of photographs of Native Americans in the Photograph Collection area. On the 6th floor was the Map Collection. The Sports Research Center on the 5th floor was closed.

The Special Collections Department on the third floor of the Main Library is set up almost like a museum. Displays included the Schweinfurth Collection of rare architectural publications, chess and checkers sets, miniature books, and some Orientalia. Foreign Literature was on the 4th floor.
Harry Potter in Russian:
Harry Potter in Marathi (one of the 23 official languages of India):
Harry Potter in Chinese:
On our way home we stopped at 1951 E 75th Street to see the Schweinfurth-Van Petten House (1894):

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