Saturday, June 14, 2014

Parade the Circle (6/14/2014)

Saturday, June 14, 2014
The 25th Parade the Circle, an artist-driven community parade around Wade Circle from the Cleveland Museum of Art.
??? (KSS)
Parade participant with collage hat (KSS)
Dürer’s Rhino led the first Parade the Circle (KSS)
More rhinos (KSS)
Glyptodon/prehistoric armadillo? (KSS)
The themes of this year's parade are Recologia Desigual (Recology is recovered resources and desigual means unequal or uneven) and Never Odd or Even.
Smilodon/Saber-toothed Cat? (KSS)
Woolly mammoth? (KSS)
Whatever it is, it's colorful! (KSS)
Steel drum band (KSS)
Giant Tan Tan puppets (KSS)
Puppeteer (KSS)
Participants of all ages (KSS)
Stilt walker (KSS)
Spirals are not odd or even (KSS)
Hawk head lady (KSS)
More stilt walkers (KSS)
Bird kites (KSS)
Giant puppet (KSS)
Giant puppet (KSS)
Shaw High School Jazz Fusion and Funk Ensemble (KSS)

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