Saturday, April 11, 2015

90th Birthday Party (4/11/2015)

Saturday, April 11, 2015
Tamiko makes tissue paper flowers (KSS)
We're having a grand celebration for Mom/Grandma/Great-grandma who has reached the major milestone of her 90th birthday!
90 tissue paper flowers
The Azalea Trace auditorium was decorated.
Spring pastels and flowers theme (Photo by Ryan)
Pastel M&Ms
Tissue paper hats for the Stumpe ladies (Photo by Ryan)

Tamiko, "Hammy," and Maddy (Photo by Ryan)
Erich & Carrie
Katrina & Kyle
Trista and Delaney
A couple great-grandkids attend.
Jackson and Delaney (Photo by Ryan)
And here's Great-grandma ("Gigi")! (Photo by Ryan)
Delaney models her name tag (Photo by Ryan)
Delaney with Great-grandpa (Photo by Ryan)
Delaney (Photo by Ryan)
Time to sing "Happy Birthday!"
The birthday cake
Blowing out the candles
Quite a crowd attended.
(Note the slide show in the background!) (Photo by Ryan)
The "parking lot"
There was cake and ice cream, fruit, and cheese and crackers.
Being served a slice of cake (Photo by Ryan)
Kyle approves of the cake (Photo by Ryan)
There was also punch and coffee.
The punch urn
"Hammy" mingles with her many friends.
(Photo by Ryan)
(Photo by Ryan)
"Hammy" and Irene C (Photo by Ryan)
"Hammy" and Bert with a guest (Photo by Ryan)
"Hammy" makes a point (Photo by Ryan)
(Photo by Ryan)
(Photo by Ryan)
'9' and '0' balloons (Photo by Ryan)
Delaney, Jackson, and Lance, who tries on a hat (Photo by Ryan)
Grandma with Kyle
A walking pile of hats
Oh, it's Delaney! (Photo by Ryan)
(Photo by Ryan)
Maddy and Delaney with Grandma/Great-grandma (Photo by Ryan)
After the party, we moved upstairs to the S apartment.
Lance and Jackson (Photo by Ryan)
Delaney with Great-grandpa (Photo by Ryan)
Erich transports the goodies (Photo by Ryan)
Trista took Jackson, who had an M&M tummy ache, back to the hotel.
Delaney helped open all the cards and gifts.
A shawl hand-knit by Trista
Delaney shows off the card she made
Opening the big gift (an iPad Air)
Mmmm, sausages!
 We headed to dinner in the Azalea Trace dining room.
Bert, Carrie, Erich
"Hammy," Katrina
Lance and Delaney had to leave right after dinner, as they have a long drive tomorrow.
The rest of the gang.
Katrina, Kyle, Carrie, Erich, Tamiko, Kent, Maddy, Ryan
Bert and "Hammy"

1 comment:

  1. What a delightful family gathering. Congratulations! I am planning a party for a lovely lady who is 90 next week. Thanks for the inspiration. Tina.
