Saturday, July 18, 2015

Marblehead Peninsula, OH (7/18/2015)

Saturday, July 18, 2015
Good weather and cheap Groupon tickets sent us on our way to Marblehead Peninsula, OH.
We crossed the Sandusky Bay on the Thomas A Edison Memorial Bridge (1965). Edison was born in nearby Milan, OH.
We arrived at the African Safari Wildlife Park, which seems to be located in Danbury, OH, and presented our vouchers. We headed to the drive-thru area and were given a large plastic cup full of feed pellets. Obviously there are no carnivores in this park!
The animals converge on the cars almost immediately, and well before the red pole that is our clue as to when we can begin feeding the animals. Alpacas, llamas, guanacos, and Sika deer stuck their heads right in the open windows.
Llama at the car window
In separate areas away from the feeding were gemsboks and camels. A large Scottish Highland cattle approached us, whereas an even larger Ankole cattle lolled on the ground.
Scottish Highlander
It was strange that herds of animals besieged the cars, yet almost an equal number sat around with no interest in food. Do they work in shifts?
Llama, alpacas, and a guanaco
Next were bison, elk and fallow deer. They slobbered all over the car.
Crowd of animals at the car in front of us
An elk grabbed the whole cup away from Brynne (and you are told to let them have it!). That didn't stop the animals from trying to nose their way into the car.
Fallow deer
Fallow deer photobombing picture of all the fawns (KSS)
Zebras, giraffes, an eland, and a bongo were in separate enclosures, but the giraffes could reach over for carrots if one had purchased them.
A giraffe peeks through the sunroof
There was also a walk-thru area with a mixture of small mammals, reptiles, and birds.
Black-necked swan and Muscovy duck
We drove to Port Clinton to have lunch at McCarthy's Pub.
Port Clinton downtown
Dream Big/Catch of the Day (2011,
by Lauren Shaw and Megan Ziembowicz)
Port Clinton is the Walleye Capital of the World.
Wylie, the Walleye, who gets "dropped"
like the Times Square ball every New Year's Eve
I guess Port Clinton is also famous for the four Ps
We bypassed Lakeside Chautauqua, as there is an entrance fee during the summer season.
Next was the Marblehead Light (1822), the oldest lighthouse in continuous operation on the US side of Lake Erie.
Marblehead Light
Lightkeeper's House (1880)
The first lightkeeper's house (1822),
the oldest surviving home in Ottawa County, OH;
an example of an early American hall-and-parlor house
The first lightkeeper was Benajah Wolcott who maintained the light until he died in 1832. The US Government then appointed his wife, Rachel, who became the first female lighthouse keeper on the Great Lakes.
Near this house was the site of the first battle of the War of 1812 to be fought on Ohio soil.

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