Saturday, October 10, 2015

Archbold, OH (10/10/2015)

Saturday, October 10, 2015
We had a Groupon for Sauder Village, an open air historical museum near Archbold, OH. It was for four admissions, but we couldn't get anyone to come with us. So a lucky young couple with a toddler waiting to get tickets at Sauder Village were able to enter for free!
Baker windmill (c. 1920) for pumping water (KSS)
Grime Homestead barn hoist (KSS)
Grime Homestead stitching sampler (KSS)
Grime Homestead "Delco Plant,"
an in-home generator and batteries (KSS)
Covered bridge (KSS)
Bucolic scene (KSS)
Pottery kiln (KSS)
Tamiko with an oak log (KSS)
Saw mill (KSS)
Making lye soap; it was Fall on the Farm Day
with special activities (KSS)
Apple press (KSS)
It was also Scout Day with activities
such as making cornhusk dolls (KSS) 
Kitchen of the Witmer Roth Home (KSS)
Witmer Roth Home (1844) (KSS)
Covered farm wagon (KSS)
Corduroy Road (KSS)
Fur trader's cabin (KSS)
Bird nest in the rack (KSS)
Beaver pelts
Bark shingle dwelling (KSS)
Canvas-roofed longhouse (KSS)
Inside the longhouse (KSS)
Natives and Newcomers area kitchen,
with a roasting pumpkin, pot of hominy,
and a grilling "pheasant" (KSS) 
Reservoir (KSS)
Water-powered Grist Mill (KSS)
Hungarian migrant-worker wagon (1923) (KSS)
Inside the Hungarian migrant-worker wagon (KSS)
Council Oak carving of Potawatomie Chief Winameg
handing an arrowhead to Dresden Howard
(1995) by Jim Stadtlander (KSS)
Wardrobe trunk (KSS)
US Mail delivery wagon (KSS)
Quilting table (KSS)
District 16 Schoolhouse (1890) (KSS)
Elmira (OH) Depot 
Sauder Village green surrounded by historic buildings (KSS)
Next we drove through the town of Archbold.
Municipal Building (1911) and clock
Continued west on OH-2 just into Williams County from Fulton County.
Lockport Covered Bridge (1999) at CR 21N and CR-I.25;
this bridge replaced a 1919 steel truss bridge
that replaced a 1871 covered bridge
The Lockport bridge was replaced with a wooden covered bridge at the suggestion of the County Engineer at the time, Walter Schelling, as a safer, more durable, and more economical alternative to constructing or repairing old metal and concrete bridges.
Lockport Covered Bridge is a three span Howe side truss bridge
that is 176' long and 30' wide including a pedestrian walkway
Back into Fulton County to the Goll Woods State Nature Preserve where the "least disturbed" woodland to exist in northwest Ohio is located. The "virgin" forest is an example of the Black Swamp forest first encountered by European settlers in the early 1800s. The Peter Goll family purchased land in 1837 and left 100 acres untouched. The State of Ohio bought it as a nature preserve in 1966. A limited number of trees were removed in 1916 when lumber was in demand during WWI.
We took the 1-mile Bur Oak Trail, where certain trees were labeled.
Buckeye from the Aesculus flava/Yellow Buckeye
Asimina triloba/Pawpaw tree
Goll Woods
Tamiko with one of the large old trees
that has died (KSS)
Look how thick the bark is! (KSS)
Yes, the tree is losing its bark (KSS)
This old tree was a Bur Oak that last had leaves in 2005 and may have died of old age at over 450 years. It had a diameter of 56" and was 112' tall.
Carya ovata/Shagbark Hickory nuts
Quercus muehlenbergii/Chinkapin or Chinquapin Oak acorn
We ran into [the base of] the State Champion
Ulmus thomasii/Rock Elm
Looking up to the Bur Oak branches at the top of the canopy
Quercus rubra/Red Oak acorn
Time to head home, which will take 2.5 hours!

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