Sunday, October 18, 2015

South Chagrin Reservation (10/18/2015)

Sunday, October 18, 2015
Today we hiked to see Squaw Rock, titled "The Rape of the Indian Tribes by the White Man," sculpted by Henry Church in 1885, and located on the bank of the Chagrin River.
Looking from the upper trail to the lower trail
Rock outcropping
Lower trail
Small waterfall from side stream
Side stream
Squaw Rock
An Indian maiden with a shell behind her,
with a quiver of four arrows with phases of the moon,
hatchet, eagle, serpent, skeleton, hanging animal,
and (not seen) a baby in a papoose
Artist's signature
On the river side of the sandstone boulder
are other carvings; this is supposed to be
the first US Capitol in Washington, DC
On the river side; a log cabin and frontiersman
Chagrin River
We had a little sleet fall on us during this cold and raw day.

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