Saturday, January 2, 2016

2015 Christmas in Cleveland (12/19,22/2015, 1/2/2016)

Saturday, December 19, 2015
After the first freezing temperatures of the season and a light snow, we went to see the Christmas lights display at Nela Park.
Built in 1913, Nela Park was designed by New York landscape architect Frank E. Wallis in a Georgian style, as the world's first industrial park. It was named for the National Electric Lamp Association (NELA) that was established in 1901, and absorbed by General Electric (GE) in 1911. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1975. It is now the world headquarters of GE's Lighting Division.
In 1924, GE began the tradition of the holiday lighting display, and originally it was spread throughout the 92-acre park and the public was allowed to drive through, as we did in 1987. Now the gates remain closed, and the display is limited to what can be viewed from Noble Road.
This is the 91st year  of the display, and the theme is "GE in CLE" (click on link for photos of all the displays) and depicts landmarks in Cleveland.
How did they get the lights up in those tall trees?
Replica of the 2015 National Christmas Tree
in Washington, DC
GE has been responsible for lighting the National Christmas Tree for 53 years, and this year the decorations are a tribute to the National Park Service Centennial.
Display of Playhouse Square
Lighted trees

Tuesday, December 22, 2015
A visit to the Cleveland Museum of Art:
What are those dangly purple things?
The Christmas Tree is similarly decorated
Hmm, wisteria and water lilies?
It makes sense when you know the major exhibition now going on at the Cleveland Museum of Art is "Painting the Modern Garden: Monet to Matisse."
Part of the Winter Lights Lantern Festival held December 6, 2015:
Han Dynasty Reflections (c. 2008) by Robin VanLear
constructed of Kinwashi paper and split bamboo
Lignum Lucis (2015) by Debbie Apple-Presser,
Wendy Mahon, and Robin VanLear
Las Flores de Luz (2014) by Debbie Apple-Presser,
Wendy Mahon, and Robin VanLear,
from recycled materials
Stars (c. 2011) by Robin VanLear
One Star
Outside in Wade Circle:
Kids play percussion instruments

Saturday, January 2, 2016
The temperature is just at freezing, so we did an indoor holiday activity today, going to "Glow" at the Cleveland Botanical Garden.
Cleveland Botanical Garden lobby,
filled with poinsettias and
gingerbread houses
The River Runs Through by Jon Thibo,
First Prize in the Professional Category
Euphorbia pulcherrima/Poinsettia 'Sonora White Glitter'
A Sunny Winter Day by Kaeley Sandor and Riley Eckert,
Adult Category
Lighting the Way Home by
Sandra Kugenieks, Adult Category
Detail of The English Gatehouse by Marjorie Funk,
Second prize in the Adult Category
Yo Ho! A Christmas Pirate Ship by Sara Lowe,
Family Category
In addition to gingerbread houses, affiliate garden clubs
decorated Christmas trees to the theme of "Flights of Fancy"
Vesak Lantern: Buddhist Festival of Lights
by Fiona, Megan, Ella, and Roman,
Family Category
Kites Flying into the New Year
by Sogetsu Ikebana Class
Moses's "Unleavened" Ginger "Bread" House
by Karen Perez Steigerwald,
Family Category
The Original Ginger "Bread" House
by the Polefko Family
Another poinsettia variation
Millenium Falcon by
 the Wasserman and Nassif Family
The Millenium Falcon with
the hyperdrive activated!
Fly Me to the Moon
by the West Shore Arrangers
Fly Me to the Moon detail
Detail of A White Ramtasic (sic) House
by Garfield High School Second Period Art Class
Garfield High School of Akron, OH are the Rams, so "ramtastic" is their "fantastic."
Another activity is The Garden Express
Model train display by the Northern Ohio Garden Railway Society
Fun with Nature by the Kerwinsky Family
and Hanzel (sic) and Gretle's (sic) House
by Jackson and Grace Meirer, and Shawn Meier
The above were made at the Straight from the Woods workshop at Holden Arboretum.
Treehouse tree topper on the Wish Tree,
copy of the treehouse in the Hershey Children's Garden
A chair made with branches
Olaf detail of Christmas Dream
by Alexis and Traci Neal, Family Category
Winter in Belgrade by Claus Simpfendorfer and Family,
with a Homer-looking Santa
Focus on the gray spire:
The Burj Khalifa by Evan Filion,
Adult Category
The Burj Khalifa is the tallest man-made structure in the world, located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Christmas in Diagon Alley
by Isabel, Kaisal, Yasine, and Julie Huang,
Family Category
Diagon Alley is the wizarding shopping street in London, as in the Harry Potter books.
Santa Claus Express by Vicki Victoria, Arts and Culture category,
with the note: Have a Good Year!
Neighbors by Sandra Wilson,
First Prize in the Adult Category
Treetop Shop for kids
The Zombie Browns Football Field
by the Hawken School Friday Passport Class
The Windy Igloo by Anne and Amelia Evans
A sort of limey variation of Poinsettia
The Verdell Family Nativity
The only Nativity seen.
Castle of Australia by the
Hawken School Friday Passport Class
Where do they get these ideas??

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