Saturday, December 5, 2015

Garfield Park Reservation (12/5/2015)

Saturday, December 5, 2015
A sunny but cold day. Decided to go someplace close by for a hike: the Iron Springs Loop Trail in the Garfield Park Reservation of Cleveland's Metroparks. Much of the stonework dates from the 1930s Works Progress Administration (WPA) projects.
Stone bridge and wall at Mill Creek
Old Boating Pond Bridge
"The signature piece of Garfield Park Reservation days gone-by. The current stone structure replaced a wooden bridge back in the 1930s when the Works Progress Administration (WPA) workers built this bridge that stands watch over Wolf Creek as it flows into Mill Creek. The current wetland area was once home to the Boating Pond where visitors in the early days of Garfield Park could rent rowboats."
Site of the Old Boating House
Wolf Creek
Another stonework bridge
Shale layers in Wolf Creek
Wolf Creek Falls
We saw a deer herd of at least twenty
Short Cattail Trail detour with a boardwalk;
Brynne and Kent with Gus
We drove to the other end of Garfield Park Reservation to show Brynne the Mill Creek Falls.
Mill Creek Falls Overlook with the wrought-iron fence
designed by Brinsley Tyrrell  and welded by Steve Jordan 
Mill Creek Falls
Kent, Gus, and Brynne at the bicycle rackdesigned by Brinsley Tyrrell  and welded by Steve Jordan

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