Saturday, April 23, 2016

Edgewater Neighborhood (4/23/2016)

Saturday, April 23, 2016
After the Edgewater Park hike, we drove farther west into the Edgewater neighborhood of Cleveland, with century-old mansions of the wealthy who sought waterfront property along Lake Erie.
Poschke Building (1928) by Henry Hradilek in Renaissance Pastiche style,
built for for Otto Poschke who started in 1911 with a shack selling
hot dogs and hamburgers to beachgoers; he consolidated his expanding
business by commissioning this building to look "like a museum"
There were variations in landscape style.
Modern sculpture and stone cherubs
Artificial colored trees
Scads of sculptures
"That Car" decorated with reflectors, corks, and toys
(Check out the link mentioned in the comment below!)
The car has a Mohawk hair-do made of Barbie doll legs
The occupants of the car got out and went into a corner yard, which we discovered was the Dr Gerard & Phyllis Seltzer Sculpture Garden Trust. We had to take a look as well.
Bamboo Shoots & Leaves (1956) by Cristina Iglesias
Blondie & Noel (1951) by John Ahearn
Rainbow Arch (1927) by Kenneth Snelson
Rainbow Sphere (1951) by Marta Cellura
On the right: Cylinder Fragments (1948) by Steve Bennyworth;
on the left: Balanced-Unbalanced (1931) by Fletcher Benton
Behind: Hawthorn Tree (1936) by Isaac Witkin;
In front: Transfiguration (1936) also by Isaac Witkin
Dr and Mrs Seltzer are major art patrons and continue to be donors to the Cleveland Museum of Art.


  1. I am happy to be included on your tour recap and glad that I encouraged you to stop and check out the sculpture garden too! At the other end of the spectrum and not too far away, but just as nice, is the Flower House of Lakewood! for more pictures of That Car #3

  2. Thanks for the tip, and for the link to more That Car photos!
