Sunday, June 26, 2016

Chapin Forest Reservation (6/26/2016)

Sunday, June 26, 2016
Bob W joined us for a morning hike in Chapin Forest Reservation in Kirtland, OH.
Bob, Kent, Brynne, and Gus
We followed the Lucky Stone Trail
Lucky stones are quartz pebbles brought here by glaciers
Chapin Ledges are made of Sharon Conglomerate (sand and stone)
that broke off when the underlying shale eroded
Chapin Ledges
Some of the stones in the Sharon
Conglomerate are the lucky quartz pebbles
Chapin Ledges
Bent but still alive beech tree
Conopholis americana/Squawroot, a parasitic plant
growing from the roots of oak and beech trees
Lucky Stones Trail: SE loop
Sharon Conglomerate
What's that on the Lucky Stones Trail NW loop? (KSS)
Pantherophis alleghaniansis/Eastern Ratsnake,
a good four feet long (KSS)
Eastern Ratsnake (KSS)
Historic Sperry Quarry, where from 1959-1972, the Sharon
Conglomerate was removed and crushed to extract sand and gravel
A view of the Cleveland skyline from 16-18 miles away
Gus and Brynne at the Historic
Sperry Quarry Lookout
Bob and Kent emerge from the woods
More Sharon Conglomerate
We returned to civilization for lunch at the New Heights Grill in Cleveland Heights, where the gentlemen found further evidence of NBA Cleveland Cavaliers fever/pride...

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