Saturday, June 25, 2016

West Woods (6/25/2016)

Saturday, June 25, 2016
Decided on a hike closer to home, this time at West Woods in Russell, OH. It was dark in the forest of hardwood trees.
A downed tree left what looks like God's chisel
Kent on a boardwalk
Not much to see except benches donated by
organizations and individuals
View from the bench of dried out Pebble Brook
Bridge on Ansel's Cave Trail
Slate-like dry creek bed
Ansel's Cave is not really a cave but was called a cave by early settlers
if rock ledges or overhangs protected them from the elements
Ansel Savage lived in a home near the cave in the early 1800s. It may have been used by runaway slaves and bootleggers. Today you cannot explore the area due to the dangers of falling or slippery rocks, and also to protect the fragile terrain and the stream running through it. Another sign indicated the presence of white nose syndrome, which is fatal to bats, and keeping humans out means we won't spread the disease.
Reflection in some water in Pebble Brook
Kent at a Sharon Conglomerate sandstone ledge
Sharon Conglomerate is rock made from sand and pebbles that was deposited on shale. The Conglomerate resists erosion while the shale beneath disappears. The unstable Conglomerate breaks away, leaving sheer cliffs and deep crevices.
This "cave" is a dead end!
Gus at the Green Roof Building; growing plants on the roof
will slow storm water runoff to reduce flooding and
pollution, and acts as insulation for the building
Trout Lily Trail boardwalk with Brynne and Gus
Sunset Overlook
View from Sunset Overlook
Gus, Brynne, and Kent take a break
Man-made stick pile
Discovery Trail has information panels
Pond of duckweed

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