Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Basilique du Sacré-Cœur (7/12/2016)

Tuesday, July 12, 2016
We checked out of the hotel, but left our luggage at the desk for the morning.
Paris Baguette Boulangerie-Patisserie breakfast spot
After a breakfast of hot chocolate, coffee and chocolate croissants, we took the Métro to Montmartre.
Elysées Montmartre Theatre (1807 as a ballroom) is where
dancer Valentin le Desosse performed the Dance de la Quadrille
that he created, and became known as the French CanCan (KSS)
Looking up Butte Montmartre at La Basilique du Sacré-Cœur/
Sacred Heart Basilica (1875-1914), designed by Paul Abadie
Funiculaire de Montmartre (1900, rebuilt in 1935 and 1991),
lower station (KSS)
Funicular cars (KSS)
Wedding photography of the Chinese (KSS)
Alexandre Legetil and Hubert Rohault de Fleury
made a vow in 1870 that if Paris was spared from
Prussian invasion, they would build a church;
it was built on a foundation of 83 pillars because
the hill was honeycombed with gypsum mines (KSS)
Built in Roman-Byzantine style, Sacré-Cœur was
the second highest point built after the Eiffel Tower;
the statue of Christ holds his Sacred Heart (KSS)
The mosaic (1912-1922) over the altar was
 created by Luc Olivier Merson and Marcel Magne
Left side of the mosaic with the apostles above
and French figures below, including
Native Americans and others from the colonies (KSS)
Right side of mosaic with saints above
and French figures below (KSS)
Statue of St-Thérèse of Lisieux (KSS)
Plaque showing where 13 bombs landed in a line
near the basilica on 4/21/1944 while worshipers
were praying, and no one was killed (KSS)
Marble and mosaics on a chapel rail (KSS)
A model of the Basilica (KSS)
Mosaics of two Stations of the Cross
Chapel of the Blessed Virgin (KSS)
Tamiko rubbing the foot of St Peter (KSS)
One of two silver statues, this one of the
Sacred Heart of Christ (1912) by Eugène Benet (KSS)
Chapel of St Joan of Arc (KSS)
Central dome of Sacré-Cœur (KSS)
The view from Sacré-Cœur (KSS)
A view of Centre Georges Pompidou, with its color-coded systems
where white is ventilation, blue is climate control, red is safety,
yellow is electrical, and green is plumbing (KSS)
Statue of Jean François de la Barre (2001?)
of a citizen who refused to doff his hat when a religious
procession passed in Abbeville in 1765, and was
beheaded and burned with his copy of Voltaire's
Philosophical Dictionary; this locale has
become a meeting place for atheists (KSS)
Église St-Pierre-de-Montmartre/
Church of St Peter in Montmartre (1147),
once part of a Benedictine Abbey (KSS)
Modern stained glass window in the Church of St Peter
Notre Dame de Montmartre/Our Lady
of Montmartre, who is said to have spared the
church from the 13 bombs that landed
between it and Sacré-Cœur (KSS)
St Denis, the first bishop of Paris; it was on Montmartre
where he was beheaded by Roman soldiers, and he
picked up his head to walk three miles before dying,
supposedly indicating where he wanted
to be buried, at a spot where they later
built the Benedictine Abbey of St Denis (KSS)
Tamiko rubbing the foot of another St Peter (KSS)
The gray-colored pillar on the right may be
from a Roman temple originally in this site (KSS)
The tombstone of Adelaide, the wife of Louis VI;
she was an abbess here until she was sent to the
guillotine during the French Revolution (KSS)
Cabaret de Patachou at #13 Rue du Mont-Cenis,
where Edith Piaf perhaps sang La Vie en Rose (KSS)
Next: More Montmartre.

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