Sunday, July 10, 2016

Jérôme (7/10/2016)

Sunday, July 10, 2016
After breakfast, we waited for the 9:30 shuttle bus taking Viking passengers into Paris to Hotel Ampère. We were not part of the tour group doing an extended stay, as we had our own hotel reservations elsewhere. But we had arranged with our long ago "exchange" student, Jérôme, to pick us up at 10:00 at the Hotel Ampère.
Jérôme's father worked for the French company under Dyckerhoff when Kent worked for their subsidiary, ISPO in Mansfield, MA. In the summer of 1989, Jérôme came to spend a month going to work at ISPO. He was to stay with us for two weeks, and with someone else for two weeks, but ended up with us the whole time. He was an extraordinary guest who helped with housework, played with three-month old Brynne (he was her "first boyfriend"), and was always positive and appreciative. Also, he was and is very, very tall!
Although we had not seen him for 27 years, the relationship did not change. But now he has 15- and 17-year old daughters, and a 7-year old son! Today they were off on summer activities, as Jérôme guided us around Paris.
This time, we were in a car as we joined the traffic around the Arc de Triomphe! It was not too scary!
Going down Champs-Élysées, I could see landmarks on the other
side of the street, like Fouquet's (1899), a café-restaurant with $10
espresso shots; James Joyce and WWII biplane pilots hung out here
Ladurée is a tea-salon and patisserie,
known for double-decker macarons
Statue of de Gaulle in front of Grand Palais 
Charles de Gaulle (1999-2000) by Jean Cardot
Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel (1808-1809), designed by
Charles Percier and Pierre François Léonard Fontaine; another of
Napoléon's commissions; this one was once topped by the
Triumphal Quadriga, the Roman bronze of four horses pulling a chariot
Napoléon "obtained" the Triumphal Quadriga from Venice in 1797. In 1815, they were returned to their place on St Mark's Basilica in Venice, and a quadriga by Baron François Joseph Bosio was made for the arch of Carrousel.
We found a parking spot in the Marais neighborhood, and the car's
warning system beeped loudly as Jérôme maneuvered into the space (KSS)
Now we were walking through Paris.
A fountain on Rue du Turenne
Place des Vosges (1605), a square surrounded by symmetrical buildings
Kent & Tamiko in Place des Vosges (by Jérôme),
one of the most beautiful squares in the world
Fountain in Place des Vosges
Place des Vosges
Tamiko and Jérôme (KSS)
Statue of Louis XIII (1825 to replace
1639 statue destroyed in the French Revolution)
Arcades around the square
Maison de Victor Hugo, where the author lived and wrote
many novels including a large part of Les Miserables
Hôtel de Sully (1624), unfortunately was closed
Randomly around Paris are pixel-art mosaics,
most done by an artist named Invader,
inspired by the video game Space Invaders
Jérôme and Kent in Passage St-Paul
Ceiling art in Passage St- Paul
Village St Paul, courtyard with antique shops
Antique shoes?
Basketball courts on Rue des Jardins St-Paul
We headed over to Île Saint-Louis, one  of the two islands in the Seine, and the one that was developed from 1620-1650 with hokes for the wealthy.
Steeple and clock of Église Saint-Louis-en-l'Île
(1624-1726) by François Le Vau
Jérôme treats us to the best ice cream in Paris, at Berthillon
Kent and Jérôme with ice cream cones
Housing on Île Saint-Louis/St Louis Island,
with penthouse gardens (KSS)
Seine boat with a hot tub (KSS)
A man swimming in the Seine with a swan (KSS)
Just a leisurely swim in a not-too-clean river
View of Île de la Cité/City Island with Notre Dame (KSS)
Tamiko & Kent with Notre Dame (by Jérôme)
Jérôme also treated us to lunch at Brasserie le Lutétia on Île Saint-Louis.
A pouting model (KSS)
An artist at work (KSS)
Back in the Marais neighborhood:
We ran into a couple Serbian dancers! (by Jérôme)
An art gallery
Le Pick Clops with a line-up of liquor bottle servers,
on Rue du Roi de Sicile (KSS)
A door in the Jewish Quarter (KSS)
Agoudas Hakehilos Synagogue (c. 1913) with
an Art Nouveau façade by Hector Guimard
Orthodox Jews
Former Hamam/Turkish bath (KSS)
Jardins des Rosiers/Garden of Roses,
a Parisian secret garden
Espaliered trees (KSS)
Rue des Rosiers shop with old façade and canopy
A Jewish bakery (KSS)
Mosaic façade of a caterer and bakery
L'école élémentaire des Hospitalières-Saint-Gervais/
Elementary School of the Knights of St Gervais,
where there is a list of the 165 students who were
rounded up and sent to Auschwitz;
N'Oubliez pas/Lest we forget
An alley of pop-up shops
Jérôme had enough time to drop us and our luggage at the Hotel Flor Rivoli, before heading to his appointment.
Hotel Flor Rivoli
Hotel room
Hotel bathroom
View from our hotel window, with the
Métro entrance almost at the front door
Next: Musée du Louvre.

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