Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Rouen III (7/6/2016)

Wednesday, July 6, 2016 (continued)
Finally the Rouen walking tour reached Place du Vieux Marché/Ancient Market Square.
Restaurant La Couronne/The Crown (founded 1345
as an inn, said to be the oldest in France) is where
Julia Child first experienced French cuisine in 1948
The roof of Église de Jeanne d'Arc/Joan of Arc Church (1979)
dominates the square with a soaring roof that is supposed to look
like the mitre cap Joan of Arc wore while being burned at the stake
The cap was inscribed with words telling of her "crime," yet I haven't found any painting or statue that portrays her with a shaven head and this cap. Not romantic enough, I suppose.
Trying to get the entire Church of Joan of Arc in one picture!
In other interpretations of the design by Louis Arretche, it is supposed to
look like an overturned Viking ship, in reference to the Vikings of Normandy,
and because the part of a church called the 'nave' is a word from the Latin for 'ship'
Tourists take a break on the foundation of Église de St-Vincent/
Church of St Vincent that was destroyed in WWII;
note the fish-like scales on the Joan of Arc Church roof (KSS)
Cross at the site of the execution of Joan of Arc
Statue of St Joan of Arc (1928)
by Maxime Real del Sarte
Le Bûcher/Pyre, the site where Joan of Arc was burned
at the stake for heresy, basically because she wore men's clothing...
Market stalls also look like overturned boats,
or flames, or fish with gaping mouths
Inside the Church of Joan of Arc are the stained-glass windows
from the Church of St Vincent, which had been destroyed
during WWII, but the windows had been removed to safety (KSS)
More stained-glass windows (KSS)
Wood ceiling evoking a ship hull
After seeing the interior of the church, the guided tour was over and we were on our own.
Hôtel de Bourgtheroulde (16C) (KSS)
Hôtel de Bourgtheroulde courtyard with Gothic
and Renaissance architecture
Passiflora caerulea/Common passionflower and buds (KSS)
Mini carousel (KSS)
Rabbits must be sold with their heads intact, as
assurance that cats are not sold as rabbits (KSS) 
Musée des Beaux-Arts/Fine Arts Museum (1877-1880,
a 2nd wing 1884-1888) designed by Louis Sauvageot
Ad for the light show at the Rouen Cathedral (KSS)
Musée de la Ceramique/Ceramic Museum in the
Hôtel d'Hocqueville (1659) (KSS)
Morgan Roadster
Several Morgan Club emblems
Luggage rack?
Later model Citroën Deux Chevaux/Two Horses (KSS)
Citroën Deux Chevaux (KSS)
Citroën Deux Chevaux flap-up window (KSS)
Tour Jeanne d'Arc/Joan of Arc Tower is the only
remainder of the 1204-1210 Château de Rouen;
despite the name, this was not the tower where
Joan of Arc was imprisoned
A big step down!
Église Saint-Godard (late 15C)
Musée Le Secq des Tournelles/Ironworks
Museum in 15C Église St-Laurent
Birthplace of Camille Chemin, poet and novelist
Hôtel de Ville/City Hall (18C) with equestrian statue of
Napoléon (1865) by Gabriel-Vital Dubray
Abbatiale St-Ouen/Abbey Church of St Owen
(begun 1318, completed 15C)
Gothic Fontaine de la Crosse (copy
of 18C fountain) by Arsène Jouän
At this point, Kent headed back to the Viking Rolf, as I continued the walking tour.
Hôtel de Ville Ancien/Old City Hall (1607)
Marionetteer on Rue du Gros Horloge
La fierté Saint-Romain/the "chapel" once held the remains
of St Romain/Romanus, attached to the Halle des Toiles/Linen Hall
that was rebuilt after WWII, only the chapel remained standing
Église Saint-Maclou/Church of St Malo (1437-1521)
St Malo Church wooden door with a
medallion of the Circumcision of Christ
A medallion of the Baptism of Christ
Bronze lion's head doorknob
Pagan-inspired designs
St Malo Church Renaissance fountain
Aître Saint-Maclou/St Malo Ossuary (1526-1533)
at the site of a cemetery dating back to the Black Plague of 1348,
built after an outbreak of another plague
Ossuary building beams decorated with macabre motifs
The  Dance of Death figures on the columns were
damaged in the religious wars of Protestant
Huguenots versus Catholics
Impasse/Alley des Hauts-Mariages
Girls running around the wall of a fountain
Hôtel d'Etancourt (17C) with a façade
decorated with Flemish allegorical statues
Rue Eau-de-Robec once had a stream running
under the doorsteps, now it is channeled
Rue Eau-de-Robec
Bocce courts
Pavillon des Vertus (16C0 with statues
of the four cardinal virtues (Prudence,
Justice, Temperance, and Courage)
Maison des Quatre Fils Aymon (15C), once a
popular trysting spot and thus also called the House
of Weddings, now the Musée national de l'Education
Behind the Abbey Church of St Owen
Abbey church tower called the "Crown of Normandy"
Replica (1911) of Harald Bluetooth's runestone in Jelling, Denmark;
a gift from the Carlsberg Foundation of Copenhagen
Portail des Marmousets/Portal of Marmosets
depicting the life of the Virgin Mary
Center stained-glass window (1960) by Max Ingrand
Choir screen (1740-1749) forged by Nicolas Flambart 
Porche des Marmousets
Nave with organ (1890) by Aristide Cavaillé-Coll;
the church is now used  for art installations
Normand kitchen towels
Again we are double parked (KSS)
Bust of Jacques Cartier (2007) by Jean-Marc de Pas,
on Pont/Bridge Boieldieu (KSS)
Bust of Christopher Columbus (2007) by
Jean-Marc de Pas, on Pont Boieldieu (KSS)
A couple of the ten busts of explorers on the bridge.
Allegory of the sea (1957) by Georges Saupique (KSS)
Allegory of the river (1957) by
Georges Saupique (KSS)
The Boieldieu Bridge marks the boundary between the river and the sea. As a river boat, the Viking Rolf is not permitted to travel on the sea, and that is why is does not go farther than Rouen.
Dinner started with Salade aux Poires Caramélisées et Muffin de Mais/Caramelized pear salad, cornbread muffin, bleu cheese, cherry shallot vinaigrette. The main dish was Filet de Flétan sur Risotto Crèmeux au Comté/seared halibut on creamy Comté risotto, baby carrots, apple-walnut sallsa. Dessert was Chocolat & Crunch de Beurre de Cacahuète/chocolate and peanut butter crunch bar. (There were other menu choices, but we almost always went with the recommended options.)
Because it gets dark so late, the light show at the cathedral started at 23:00! But it was worth it!
Grid projected on the Rouen Cathedral (KSS)
The first of two shows was about the Vikings (KSS)
"Stained glass" (KSS)
Children's coloring (KSS)
The second show was about Impressionism (KSS)
Back at the Viking Rolf for the night (KSS)
Next: Bayeux.

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