Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Vernon (7/5/2016)

Tuesday, July 5, 2016 (continued)
After lunch on the Viking Rolf, we disembarked for the afternoon tour of Vernon. We had the same guide as this morning, but no bus, as Vernon was at our doorstep.
The view from the Viking Rolf into town (KSS)
Memorial to the British forces that
helped to liberate Vernon in August 1944 (KSS);
I had my towns mixed up and couldn't find
this memorial outside the ship in Le Pecq!
Claude Monet mowing the grass
To the left is Pavillon Bourbon-Penthièvre (18C),
where the Duke of Penthièvre heard petitions from his subjects;
it is said that Claude Monet wished to rent this place,
but it was too expensive!
A blocked arch of a former restaurant sports a relief
from the old water gate of the city wall that was near here (KSS)
Remains of the city wall at Boulevard du Maréchal Leclerc
#5 Rue Bourbon-Penthièvre, the Vieille/Old Gabelle (17C),
was formerly used as the town's salt cellar
Wooden vertical shutters
Lace curtains
#3-5 Rue du Chapitre (17C)
Limestone blocks with pieces of black flint (KSS)
Flamboyant Gothic windows with tracery that looked like "flames"
Collégiale Notre-Dame/Collegiate Church
of Our Lady (11-17C) (KSS)
Virginie points out the lettering, which
commemorates floods of the Seine
Maison du Temps Jadis (1450-1460),
a half-timbered corbelled (each floor
projects over the one under it) house, 
Carving of the Annunciation
on Maison du Temps Jadis
Mairie/Town Hall (1895 neoclassical)
Across the street, you can see that the
Maison du Temps Jadis is tilting
Collégiale Notre-Dame
Ugly t-shirts
"Here, on the 28th of October 1789,
was the attempted hanging of miller Planted,"
due to French Revolution fever
The house that looks like it is bursting (KSS)
The soldes/sale was so good, there is nothing left (KSS)
Another 15C half-timbered house
with another Annunciation
Musée A G Poulain or Musée Vernon in 18C mansion
Brilliant pink hydrangeas (KSS)
Across the Seine is Château du Tourelles and the old mill
Door on Rue Porte Hachette
Supposedly a watch tower at a
former city gate, Porte Hachette
Shutter hook
Tour des Archives/Archives Tower (c. 1123),
used as archives in the 19th century
This lady must know when the tours are coming by,
as she waves the appropriate flags, and says "Merçi!"
Another shutter hook
Honey of the Beekeeper sign
with a bee
In the 15th century one paid tax according to the area the house
occupied on the ground, but not for the additional area
gained by overhanging upper stories
Owner of the house?
Guardian of the house?
#6 Rue Potard, the quaintest house in town (KSS)
Tour des Archives and castle ruins
The modern Espace Philippe Auguste (1992), a cultural center (KSS)
Very blue hydrangeas
The rear of Mairie/Town Hall
with the town coat of arms (with three fleur de lis
and three bunches of watercress), and a
stained glass window depicting King Louis IX
being given three sprigs of watercress to
quench his thirst upon his arrival in Vernon in 1227
We were done with the guided tour, and continued on our own.
A gargoyle (KSS)
The back of the gargoyle shows the
groove along which the water runs
Produce shop
Cheese shop
Butcher shop
"One pair of shoes can change your life - Cinderella" 
Supporters of the French soccer team,
during the European Championship
Folding shutters
Folding shutter close-up
Hôtel du Grand Cerf/Large Stag Hotel (15C) 
House with carved façade
Carved façade detail
Took the opportunity to go inside the Collegiate Church of Our Lady.
1970s stained glass by by G Hermet
and M Juteau from Chartres (KSS)
1610 pipe organ (KSS)
Altar and apse is Romanesque
In 1678, the floor was raised because of floods
Note the chairs and kneelers with handrests (KSS)
Baptismal font
Gargoyles (KSS)
Opel auto symbol (KSS)
Ruelle Malot, a "typical" medieval alley
Rue des Erigots/Street of Chicken Spurs
Nearly all sidewalks had dedicated bikeways
Back to the Viking Rolf
There was a 16:30 presentation on Impressionism
After taking one Viking River Cruise, you become a member of the Viking Explorers Club, and there is always a special cocktail party just for members, today at 18:15.
Choice of cocktails
then a toast with Linie Aquavit from Norway
This brand of Aquavit is aged in oak barrels
on ships that sail from Norway to Australia
and back before being sold for consumption;
this bottle sailed on the M/V Tamerlane
Dinner started with Asperges pochées et Prosciutto, Panna cotta de Ricotta/poached asparagus with prosciutto, ricotta panna cotta, quail egg and balsamic reduction. The main dish was Filet Mignon de Porc Mariné à l'Orange et Sauce Soja/orange and soy marinated grilled pork tenderloin, mascarpone polenta, roasted piquillo peppers, aromatic spice jus. Followed by a dessert of Beignets de Pommes/apple beignets with vanilla custard sauce.

Next: Bayeux.

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