Sunday, November 20, 2016

Rhode Island Visit II (11/20/2016)

Sunday, November 20, 2016
Brrr! Yesterday the high temperature was 59 degrees. Today the temperature dropped and at mid-day the high was only 43 degrees. However, the night time rain cleared up.
This morning we went to Tillinghast Farm/Estates in Barrington, RI, a possible outdoor wedding venue.
Tillinghast Estates, a property of the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)
The house contains classrooms
Kent at the very big concrete table and chairs
Looking back across the expansive property from the beach
The "RISD Beach" looking east towards Rumstick Point

Curling wave of Narragansett Bay
Phragmites australis/Common Reed
Wildlife path through the reeds
Ryan and Fiona, who is well protected from the wind
Celastrus orbiculatus/Bittersweet
Tillinghast Farm looking down towards the beach, with
Kent, Maddy, Ryan with Fiona, Kyle, and Katrina
We drove back to Providence to walk around the East Side.
First Unitarian Church of Providence (1816,
designed by John Holden Greene, as a
congregationalist church)
Statue (1930s) of Roger Williams, founder of RI,
at Prospect Terrace Park (1867) under which
his remains were entombed in 1939
View of the RI State House (1895-1904, designed by
McKim, Mead & White in Neoclassical style) from Prospect Terrace
Robinson Hall (1875-1878, designed by Walker and Gould,
in Victorian Gothic style, as the library for Brown University)

The Carrie Tower (1904, designed by Guy Lowell),
a gift of Paul Bajnotti of Italy, as a memorial to his
wife, born Caroline Mathilde Brown, granddaughter of
Nicholas Brown, for whom Brown University is named
Slavery Memorial (2013) by Martin Puryear, suggests a
partially submerged ball and chain that has been forcibly broken;
a nearby granite plaque explains how Brown University
acknowledges its ties with the slave trade
Idee di pietra/Ideas of Stone (2016)
by Giuseppe Penone of Italy; the "tree"
is on a site where an elm tree once stood;
in the background is Sayles Hall (1881)
Also on the Brown campus is Untitled (Lamp/Bear) (2016) by
Urs Fischer of Switzerland, with Katrina, Kent, and Kyle;
the lamp has a functioning light
The plush bear and lamp have melded together as
this piece explores the "inner mechanics of duality"
A statue of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (1908), a
gift of Moses Brown Ives Goddard to Brown University
Wilson Hall (1891, designed by Gould & Angell
in Romanesque style for the Physics Department through the bequest of
George Francis Wilson who helped found the Rumford Chemical Works)
John Carter Brown Library (1904, designed by
Shepley, Rutan, and Coolidge in Beaux-Arts style);
roof is edged by a créneau/battlement of a
shell design connected by scrolls carved by
stonecutters John Evans and Company
Brown University's John Nicholas Brown Gate (1903) on George Street
Annmary Brown Memorial (1903, by architect Norman Isham),
an art museum, library, and mausoleum for Annmary Brown
(granddaughter of Nicholas Brown) and her husband, General Rush Hawkins
When it was suggested that we have lunch at Olga's Cup + Saucer, we expected to have to drive out to Little Compton. However, it turns out that the seasonal bakery we knew, which opened in 1988, had moved to Providence in 1997.
Olga's Cup + Saucer
Olga's Cup + Saucer bakery display and kitchen
Fiona listens intently as Dad/Ryan
speaks via a plastic cup
Kyle and Katrina
Ryan, Fiona, and Maddy
After lunch we had to start our trip back to Ohio. Ryan and Maddy had to head back to New York with Fiona. Many thanks to Kyle and Katrina for their wonderful hospitality and tour guide services! We hope their two kitties, Lula and Sailor, survived the invasion!

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