Saturday, November 12, 2016

Tree Farm Trail (11/12/2016)

Saturday, November 12, 2016
Hiked the Farm Tree Trail in Cuyahoga Valley National Park in Peninsula, OH.
Horseshoe Pond, a man-made lake
Horseshoe Pond reflections
Probably Typha augustifolia/Narrowleaf Cattail
Horseshoe Pond
A "crooked candelabra" of a tree
Feathery moss
Big vines, with Gus and Kent
Heritage Farms, a Christmas tree farm
Getting ready to sell Christmas trees
A tiny stream from a bridge
The trail goes through property that once belonged
to the tree farm; here are overgrown pines on the right
Today's polka-dotted leaf, an oak leaf
Gus sniffs out a nightshade plant
See the little tomatoes to the right?
The trail through a stand of pines
A stand of spruce with a bridge
The bridge-path leads to a picnic shelter
We followed a "deer path" around the pond
We had to "leap" across the stream
Then struggle through brambles
We succeeded in walking around Horseshoe Pond, but there was no real trail!

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