Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Paris to Swiss Alps: Trier on Our Own (3/28/2017)

Tuesday, March 28, 2017 (continued)
At Porta Nigra, we were given about 45 minutes of free time. We returned to the Market Square.
We were looking for the Art Deco hotel
housing the McDonald's... um, Mr Steves,
it is neither a hotel, nor Art Deco!
Tulips at the market
Next we went to see the interior of the Trier Cathedral.
The Trier Cathedral has two apses; in the rear was
a black and white altar with 1354 black tomb
1972 painting of Omega/Last Judgment
Klais Orgelbau/Swallow's Nest Organ (1974),
in an oak case with cast aluminum decorations
The cathedral's high altar, which was opened in 1512,
when the holy relics (allegedly brought back
 by St Helena from Jerusalem) were found,
including the Holy Robe, a cross reliquary,
and a Holy Nail (KSS)
Up behind the altar, beyond locked gates
is the shrine of the Holy Robe
Housing outside Porta Nigra on Nordallee
Also on Nordallee, was this building: pre-war? post war?
Porta Nigra for the sight-impaired
Back through Roman gate of Porta Nigra.
Rust stain from a clamp on Porta Nigra
Stone mason marks on Porta Nigra
After purchasing postage stamps at the Visitor Center at Porta Nigra, we met the guides who took us to where the motor coaches were parked.
The Viking Hild had left us behind in Trier, and went on ahead, so that the motor coaches drove us to meet it at Schweich.
When we returned to the ship, it was time for the Safety Instructions, in other words, the life-vest drill.  Instead of meeting on the top deck, we met in the lounge!
Safety Drill!
Lunch: There was always a buffet with the makings for salad, a couple hors d'oeuvres, and a pasta dish. You could order a soup, and from a couple types of sandwiches, as well as a couple desserts.
This was the fresh fruit and berry tart dessert
The Viking Hild cast off and we sailed down the Moselle, going through two locks. In the afternoon there was a Nautical Talk given by the Captain, and a talk on optional excursions.
The Moselle River begins 715m/2,346' above sea level on the Col de Bussang on the western slopes of the Ballon d'Alsace in the Vosges Mountains of France. It travels for 544 km/338 miles north through eastern France, along the border of Luxembourg and Germany, and twists and turns through Germany east to meet the Rhine River in Koblenz. There are 15 locks to accommodate the 80m/262' drop of the river between Thionville and Koblenz. The Moselle River valley in Germany is known for the best Riesling wines, with most of the vineyards on the steep banks of the river, with inclines of 60% being typical.
Pfarrkirche St Agritius/St Agricius Parish Church
in Detzem an der Mosel
Klüsserather Bruderschaft/Klüsserath Coop vineyards
above the town of Klüsserath
Campinplatz Klüsserath/Klüsserath Campgound;
it seemed most towns had a campground
Hanggliding over the vineyards
Rocky outcrops of slate in the vineyards
The Viking Hild approaching a bend in the Moselle River;
it is unbelievable how the river twists and turns,
sometimes almost doubling on itself
Trittenheim with the Pfarrkirche St. Clemens (KSS)
Approaching Wintrich with its lock (KSS)
Entering the lock, and the water level drops (KSS)
The lock opens (KSS)
More vineyards (KSS)
Schloss Lieser/Lieser Palace in Lieser (KSS) 
Approaching Bernkastel-Kues with the
Burgruine Landshut/Landshut Castle ruins (KSS)

Next: Bernkastel.

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