Thursday, March 9, 2017

Sunrise, Sunset (3/8-9/2017)

Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Wonderful company and a bed to be found in Jacksonville Beach, FL.  Many thanks to Marylee and Bruce!
Sunrise over the Atlantic Ocean as seen from Marylee's and Bruce's balcony

Thursday, March 9, 2017
A quick stop in Largo, FL to visit Mike and Donna (thanks to them for a great Mexican restaurant suggestion: Sante Fe, and another comfortable bed with breakfast!)
Back in the car to travel up the Gulf of Mexico coast to Santa Rose Beach.
Lunch was in an almost literal BBQ Shack in Fanning Springs, FL
Spatula door handle at the BBQ Shack
Tonight we stayed at the Cindy & Ken B Bed & Breakfast.  They took us to the Vue on 30a Restaurant, to meet Donna and Steve D for dinner, after viewing the sunset.
Sunset over the Gulf of Mexico in Santa Rosa Beach, FL
Three pelicans flying up the coast
Greenish waters of the gulf
Sun setting behind bands of clouds
Final sunset colors
Had a taste of lovely lobester macaroni and cheese, an interesting fried mozzarella and tomato salad, and delicious scallops over a creamy risotto.

Next: Seaside.

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