Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Media, PA II (2/20/2018)

Tuesday, February 20, 2018 (continued)
From Providence Great Road, we back-tracked along E Front Street to S Monroe Street.
Media School (1914 as the Media High School, now it is the
elementary school); on the site of the county poor farm
and the famous Shortlidge Academy for Boys
#104 E State Street is the Media Theater (1927, restored 1994),
designed by Louis Magaziner as a Beaux-Arts
movie palace with Art Deco design elements
The Art Deco elements of the Media Theater?
Hmm, was the lower building formerly the separate kitchen house?
#30 E Franklin Street is the Nativity Blessed
Virgin Mary Church (1882, designed by
Philadelphia ecclesiastical architect, Edwin Durang)
The Nativity Blessed Virgin Mary (BVM) rectory
The Brick Church (1862) Nativity BVM's original church; used as a school
(1882–c 1950) after the main church was built, and currently used as a hall
Presbyterian Church (1855, designed by John McArthur,
architect of the Philadelphia City Hall) (KSS)
The Presbyterian Church was the first church built in Media,
and it is well known for its classic Greek Revival style
The Armory (1908, designed by Will Price and M H. McClanahan) as
headquarters for the Cooper Rifles, a military unit which was organized in
1877; it later housed Company M, 111th Infantry, Pennsylvania National
Guard that left Media as a body in 1917 to serve in the 1st World War
The Armory was also where Media men departed for the Mexican
expedition in 1916 and World War II, and now houses
the Pennsylvania Veterans Museum and Trader Joe's
#110 S Jackson Street, the Ledger Building (1895) built for John B
Robinson, a Congressman and local political figure, who was editor of the
Media Ledger, a well known weekly newspaper at the turn of the century
There seemed to be so many historic newspaper offices in Media, we at first wondered if the name came from having all these "media" sources!
Old Borough Hall (1918 as a post office on the site of Way Homestead,
one of the original farms in 1850), became the municipal offices in
1969, and since 2011 is the Spasso Italian Grill
Media War Memorial
#104-106 W State Street (1879) was the Burdsall & Adams
Cigar Factory, the leading industry in Media in 1900;
the best selling cigar cost 5 cents
Provident Bank (1899-1900, designed by Albert Dilk) in French
Renaissance Revival style as the permanent home of the First
National Bank of Media; known for its Victorian design features
The Beatty Building (1849) was the first commercial
structure erected in Media and continues in business use
#212 W State was the home of the Delaware
County American, a famous weekly newspaper
established in in 1855 by Thomas V Cooper,
a leading political figure of his day;
two presidential platforms were written here
#611 W Baltimore Avenue was the Briggs Farmhouse (1800s);
this structure served as a residence and later an inn called Brigg's Tavern;
the property was one of the original farms composing
what is now Media, specifically the original portion purchased in 1848
We stopped to have lunch at the Sterling Pig Brewery, as the sun came out. We then headed to Granite Farms Estates for a tour.
During free time in the afternoon, we returned to the tour of Media, PA.
#125 W 3rd Street is the Media-Providence Friends School and
Media Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
#216 S Orange Street is Hillhurst (1890, designed by Addison Hutton,
a famous Quaker architect of the Victorian period), built for John Biddle
as a summer home on the site that was once part of the John Hill farm,
one of the original properties composing what is now Media
#100 E Lincoln Street (1925 in Federalist style), was the home of
Dr Philip Jaisohn, the famous Korean patriot and founding father
of Korean independence from Japan
Dr Philip Jaisohn, born Seo Jae-pil in Korea, was a political activist advocating reform in his country. After the failed Gapsin Coup in 1884, he took refuge in the United States. A patron sponsored his attendance at the Harry Hillman Academy in Wilkes-Barre, PA. In 1890 he became the first Korean to acquire United States citizenship, and in 1892 he became the first Korean to receive an American medical degree. Jaisohn married Muriel Armstrong, and they had two daughters.
In 1894, the treason of the Gapsin Coup was pardoned and by 1896 Jaisohn had returned to Korea to politically educate the people by publishing a newspaper entirely in Hangul for the benefit of the lower classes and women. He refused any titled positions but worked to promote national independence as the principal political ideal and emphasized neutral diplomatic approaches to protect Korea from China, Russia and Japan. He also stressed the importance of public education, modernized industry, and public hygiene. In 1898 he returned to the United States and as a medical officer accompanied the army in the Spanish-American War. He established his own printing shop in Philadelphia in 1915, and conducted medical research at the University of Pennsylvania. When he heard about a nationwide protest against Japanese rule in Korea (the March 1st Movement of 1919), Jaisohn convened the "First Korean Congress", which was held in Philadelphia. After the Congress, he devoted his energies and private property to the freedom of Korea. He urged the United States to support freedom for the Koreans, and tried to disseminate information around the world regarding the Korean fight for independence. This led to his bankruptcy, and he returned to his medical career and research. At age 62 he went back to medical school to renew his medical knowledge, and continued writing articles for academic journals. Jaisohn settled in Media in 1925, and had a medical practice.
In World War II, Jaisohn volunteered as a medical officer for the United States army with the belief that the victory of the U.S. would bring freedom to Korea. After the war, the U.S. Army Military Government in control of the southern part of Korea invited him to serve as chief adviser, so he returned to Korea once again. In December 1946, he was elected to the Interim Legislative Assembly, but refused subsequent requests to run for president of Korea.
Jaisohn died in Media in 1951, and his remains have since been repatriated to South Korea. After service as a medical officer in at least two U.S. wars, he was commended by Congress in 1946.
Door to the Philip Jaisohn Memorial House (KSS)
Interesting sidewalk design at front steps (KSS)
Korea Garden, dedicated in memory of Dr Guy Kyungi Park,
founder and 1st president of the Philip Jaisohn Memorial Foundation
The caretaker's children were playing outside the Jaisohn House, and they alerted their mother who came out to unlock the house for our perusal.
Living room of the Jaisohn House/Museum
Medical practice sign and instruments
7/18/2021: NB: Nearby:
Idlewild (1888-1890, by Frank Furness in Queen Anne/
Shingle style) was the summer cottage of the architect who
was given the house in payment for designing the Idlewild
Hotel (1871, now gone), on whose grounds it was located
We continued driving to finish the tour of Media.
#430 N Monroe Street is the Dr Samuel D Risley House (1877),
in Gothic revival style with a veranda and conservatory
Old Rose Tree Tavern (1809), moved about 100 yards
from its original site when PA-252 was widened in 2004
John Calvert was granted the land that the tavern stands on, in 1682 by William Penn. Daniel Calvert, likely John's grandson, built a frame building along the Providence Great Road and was licensed to run a tavern there in 1739, the first Rose Tree Tavern.
Clock in Rose Tree Park
We returned to Granite Farms Estates for dinner and overnight.

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