Saturday, May 26, 2018

Elegant Elbe: Bad Schandau (5/26/2018)

Saturday, May 26, 2018
After grabbing a quick continental breakfast, we obtained our "boarding passes" from reception and left the Viking Astrild for an early morning walk through Bad Schandau. Iron-rich springs were discovered around 1800 and a spa town and summer resort developed. It is the smallest German place with its own tram service. Yet, it is perhaps most famous for being a set location for filming Inglourious Basterds and the inspiration for the elevator to the Grand Budapest Hotel.
Toskana Beach seems more like a beach volleyball court!
Marienkirche; since 1924 the Roman Catholic Church
has used this 19C building constructed as accommodation
 for a Russian diplomat in a classic
St Petersburg villa style
Historic elevator/Historischer Personenaufzug
(1904-1905 with Art Nouveau ornamentation)
Looking at the dog's position, it appears the sign means
no pooping rather than no dogs! (KSS)
"Protect our plants from your little devils!"
Ball fountain/Kugelbrunnen in the Spa Park/Kurpark
(without water, they look like cartoon bombs or smudge pots!)
Way up a hillside was the Martin Luther Monument
Even with limited space, they still have a garden house
Back in the Kurpark with a water pump and rhododendron in bloom
Kurpark stage
On the left are pestles for grinding millet, and
on the right is a conglomerate quartzite rock
World War I Memorial
Bridge over the Kirnitzsch stream
Simple terminal station for the Kirnitzsch Valley Tram/Kirnitzschtalbahn
Kirnitzsch Valley Tram (KSS)
This is the only tram system to service a national park in Germany, the Saxon Switzerland National Park. It uses historical rolling stock, and the trams were featured in the movie The Reader where Kate Winslet was a conductress.
The Ice Age Stone/Eiszeitstein marks the southern
border of the Scandinavia inland ice sheet
(during the Pleistocene epoch)
Association of Persecuted of the Nazi Regime/
Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes
Memorial to the victims of Fascism
Lace curtains and flower boxes (KSS)
The Lutheran St John's Church/St-Johannis
with octagonal tower
Someone who saw us trying to enter the church motioned us around to the back.
This door was locked as well! (KSS)
Sendig Fountain/Sendigbrunnen (1896,
reconstructed 2011)
Gambrinus Brewery
Bad Schandau City Hall/Rathaus
The coats-of-arms of the region's sister cities,
carved in Elbe sandstone
The Viking Astrild
We were back in time for a real breakfast!
Next: The Bastei.

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