Sunday, May 27, 2018

Elegant Elbe: Dresden e (5/27/2018)

Sunday, May 27, 2018 (continued)
After the Molkerei, we continued exploring the north side of Dresden.
Memorial to the fallen, 1914-1918 (KSS)
Bird spotting scopes at the Martin Luther Church/
Lutherkirche (1883-1887, by Ernst Giese and
Paul Weidner, only slight damage in WWII)
Mural title Large Scale Mutants (by Ema Jones)
apparently has light-sensitive paints that
show up better under street lights at night (KSS)
"Come in to get drunk" and
"All drinks to go" (KSS)
Entrance to the Art Courtyards/Kunsthofpassage,
with courtyards decorated by artist tenants
The Courtyard of Elements and the Rain Water
feature/Regenwasserspiel that sounds musical when
it rains, or during scheduled "performances" (KSS)
Courtyard of Elements - Light
with light-reflecting golden mirrors (KSS)
Courtyard of Animals, with balconies that
look like African kraals (KSS)
Courtyard of Metamorphosis has changing exhibits
and perhaps the small framed papers on the building
to the right are metamorphing/changing over time
(more are on a building opposite and the paper
is supposed to be soaked in flax seed oil)
Man and Extinction/Mensch and Artensterben
(2013, by Olaf Klepzig) (KSS)
Courtyard of Mystical Creatures (KSS)
More mysticism (KSS)
We came across bicycle traffic lights (KSS)
And a combo pedestrian and bicycle traffic
light, which introduces us to the Ampelmann,
the little man in the traffic light, here in red (KSS)
And then in green (KSS)
One of twin fountains (1883-1894, by Robert Diez) in Albertplatz,
one is called Calm Waters and this one is Stormy Waves (KSS)
Another kind of fountain at Jorge-Gomondai-Platz (KSS)
Neustädter Markthalle (1899, by Edmund Bräter, rebuilt 2000);
the neighborhood market hall was closed on Sundays 
Baroque fountain on Main Street
Watzke Brewpub and Café (the brewery was started in 1790 and
took the Watzke name in 1838); during World War II its facilities were
used to house soldiers; in 1945 a restaurant opened but could not compete
with state-subsidized restaurants so it was used as a warehouse;
finally after renovations in 1992-1996, the brewery is back in business
and this is a new branch here at the Golden Rider
When you order a liter of Coca-Cola, you
receive a liter of Coca-Cola (no ice!) (KSS)
Now heading in the opposite direction from Neustädter Markt,
we find the twin of the defunct fountain is operational (KSS)
Since we had to walk all the way instead of taking a tram, we did not have time to now walk to Slaughterhouse-Five/Schlachthof-Fünf, the site where author Kurt Vonnegut survived the firebombing of Dresden as a prisoner-of-war, and whose experience is incorporated into his science fiction book titled Slaughterhouse-Five.
What looks like a mosque in the distance is actually a former
tobacco factory built to advertise Turkish cigarettes; the glass
structure in front is the new international conference center (2004)
We were back on the Viking Astrild to catch the end of the lacemaker's presentation.
The lacemaker was creating a small decorative
lace using only eight bobbins; Saxony claims to
have invented bobbin lace making
Apparently in the 18C, Dresden lace sleeve ruffles were all the rage. Also at this time, Dresden porcelain manufacturers developed porcelain lace, by dipping lace in the porcelain slip, wrapping it around a figurine as a dress or skirt, and when it was fired, the lace burned away, resulting in a fine "lacey" porcelain.
Night lights of Dresden
The evening entertainment was Classical Music with the Allegria Ensemble, tonight a trio with a viola and two violins. It seemed every other piece was by Mozart, and then ended with Gershwin!
Today's high temperature was 81 degrees F.
Next: Meissen.

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