Friday, May 25, 2018

Elegant Elbe: Prague 6a (5/25/2018)

Friday, May 25, 2018
This morning was Viking Cruises optional excursion for Jewish Prague, a tour we had already done on our own. Peter & Beth decided to sleep in. Kent and I had 24-hour transit passes, so took off to catch some off-the-beaten-path sights.
The hotel funicular
After checking out of the hotel, we hiked up the steep hill to the northwest, but were unable to see/hear/experience the David Černý Brown-Nosers sculptures (2003) in the back garden of the Futura Gallery, because the back garden was really an enclosed courtyard that could not be accessed if the gallery was closed (at 8:00 am!).
After a bus, a tram, and the Metro:
Prague Metro train 81-71M (a variant of the Soviet 81-71
that was modernized by Škoda Transportation)
Trifot (2016, by David Černý) with eyeball cameras
swiveling around and the video is displayed on
six monitors in the plaza (not today)
Modern apartment complex in the area
of the Nové Butovice Metro station (KSS)
St Procopius Church and Community Center (2001)
Back on the Metro, then a tram.
Graffiti or a mural? (KSS)
Exposed wiring at the tram stop
Found a large vehicle graveyard
MeetFactory (2001) founded by David Černý
to house galleries, concert venues, bars,
and housing for artists-in-residence (KSS)
Tamiko is dwarfed by the melting cars on meathooks
by David Černý (KSS)
Prague commuter train, a Škoda City Elefant (Class 471) double deck train
We took a tram to Lesser Town Square/Malostranské Náměstí, and walked down Tržiště.
Embassy of the United States in Schönborn Palace/
Schönbornský palác (1643-1656) where Franz
Kafaka worked for the Schönborn family in 1917
(the United States bought the palace in 1924)
Embassy of the United States (12/24/1981)
House at the Golden Scales/Dům u zlatých měřítkách
at #2 Vlašská
At the Three Red Roses/U tří červených růží
at #9 Vlašská
The Elephant House/U Černého slona at #26 Vlašská (KSS)
House of Vines at #30 Vlašská (KSS)
Former Italian hospital at #34 Vlašská, now the
cultural section of the Embassy of Italy
Another Lobkowicz Palace/Lobkowický palác (1703-1706, by
Giovanni Battista Aliprandi) at #19 Vlašská, now the Embassy of Germany
We circled around the German Embassy to peek into its back yard.
Embassy of Germany back yard
Quo Vadis/I believe (1989, by David Černý) to commemorate the event
when the 4000 East Germans who left this garden of the
then West German Embassy in 1989 after being granted
political asylum - all left their Trabants behind
Another cobblestone pattern
Entry to the Museum of Alchemists and Magicians of
Old Prague/Muzeum alchymistů a mágů staré Prahy,
with a cow turning into gold (KSS) 
Another climb up to Nerudova Street.
A marionette hangs out over a construction site (KSS)
At the White Swan/U bílé labutě at #49 Nerudova
At the Two Suns/U dvou slunců at #47 Nerudova,
where poet Jan Neruda lived 1845-1857
Kent picks the nose of the jester
Mini mini marionettes (KSS)
Round French fries (KSS)
At the Golden Horseshoe/U zlaté podkovy at #34 Nerudova
Occupational marionettes
Church of Unceasing Succor/Kostel Panny Marie Matky
ustavičné pomoci
(1691-1717, by Jean Baptiste Mathey
and Jan Blažej Santini) that belongs to the monastic order
of the Theatines, which was founded in 1524 to reform
the Roman Catholic clergy (post Martin Luther), and they
were the first to establish papal missions in foreign lands
Thun-Hohenstein Palace/Thunovský či Kolovratský palác
(1716-1721, by Jan Blažej Santini) with two
sculpted eagles by Matthias Braun,
 now the Embassy of Italy
Wares at the Gingerbread Museum (KSS)
At the Three Fiddles/U tří housliček at #12 Nerudova
Morzin Palace/Morzinský palác (1714,
by Jan Blažej Santini) at #5 Nerudova,
with sculptures by Ferdinand Brokoff,
now the Embassy of Romania
Relief of Mihai Viteazul, a Romanian national hero
for breaking from Ottoman rule and "unifying" Romania
(being from Wallachia, he conquered Transylvania
and Moldavia to unify them)
Back in Lesser Town Square, we waited for another tram.
Quite the outfit! Check out the boots! (KSS)
Next: Prague 6b.

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