Friday, June 1, 2018

Elegant Elbe: Berlin 2c (6/1/2018)

Friday, June 1, 2018 (continued)
We thought to go to the Pergamon Museum, but the entrance line went around the building. After Peter & Beth headed back to the hotel, we continued to the Old Museum/Altes Museum, which now houses the Greek, Etruscan and Roman artifacts of the Antiques Collection/Antikensammlung. It also has items from the Coins Cabinet/Münzkabinett.
The world's largest granite bowl/Graniteschale (1827-1828, by Christian
Gottlieb Cantian) was made from a single stone; nicknamed the
"Berlin Soup Bowl," it was supposed to sit in the rotunda of the
museum (now Altes Museum) designed by Karl Friedrich Schinkel,
but ended up outside because it was too large to fit inside
I ran across this quote: "During the Hitler era, the space in front of the [Old] Museum (the Lustgarten) was used for massive rallies, which Hitler loved to organize." Well, the bowl was in the way of the parades and rallies, so it was moved to the north of the Berlin Cathedral. In 1981, when the bowl was being returned to its rightful location, it cracked. It has a circumference of 21.7 m/71', which is greater than the 13 m/43' of a porphyry bowl at the Vatican, which apparently made Friedrich Wilhelm III feel supreme.
Tamiko by the world's largest granite bowl (KSS)
Andokides Amphora (circa 530-525 BCE, by
Andokides) depicting wrestling
Roman mosaic tile floor (circa 200-300) from Jerash, Jordan (KSS)
Roman mosaic tile floor from Jerash, Jordan (KSS)
Erotic oil lamps (1-3C, Roman) (KSS)
The Hildesheim Silver Treasure (on the second floor) is the largest
collection of Roman silver found outside of the Roman Empire;
found in 1868 in Hildesheim, Germany, it was thought to be the
table service belonging to a Roman military commander
The rotunda of the Old Museum for which the
granite bowl was too large
Our next stop was the Berlin Cathedral/Berliner Dom. The doors to the Imperial Staircase were locked.
Berlin Cathedral interior
The dome is decorated with mosaics by Anton von Werner (KSS)
Organ (1905, by Wilhelm Sauer, restored 1990s)
Pulpit (by Otto Raschdorff)
Ceremonial sarcophagi of Friedrich Wilhelm the Great Elector/
der Grosse Kurfürst and his second wife, Sophie Dorothea
The chancel with the original altar (1850, by Friedrich August Stüler)
The ceremonial sarcophagus of Friedrich I of Prussia
(By ceremonial, I assume that means it is not
the actual sarcophagus?)
The crypt was full (nearly 100) of actual sarcophagi,
of members of the Hohenzollern dynasty
The sarcophagus of Friedrich Wilhelm II
Power-assisted and GPS-tracked rental bikes
The sun is reflecting off the communist-
built TV Tower, in the shape of a cross
We took a bus from Museum Island to the Victory Column in the Great Tiergarten.
The Commander's House/Kommandantur (1795-1796, by
Wilhelm Konrad for the commander of the Berlin garrison, demolished
in 1950, replaced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building that
was itself demolished, rebuilt 1999-2003 by Thomas van den Valentyn
as headquarters for Bertelsmann AG, and international media company)
Embassy of Russia (1949-1953, by Anatoly Strischewski, Lebedinski
and Sichert, Friedrich Skujin, and Fritz Bornemann as the
Embassy of the Soviet Union)
Another view of the Victory Column
Monument to Helmuth von Moltke the Elder
(1904, by Joseph Uphues), a Prussian Field Marshal
Monument to Otto von Bismarck (1901, by Reinhold Begas),
a Prussian statesman who was the first Chancellor of
the German Empire in 1871-1890
Monument to Otto von Bismarck (10/2/1987)
Sign for the Hemp Fair, and we now know hemp is a
different variety of cannabis from marijuana (KSS)
We entered the neighborhood of the Hansa/Hansaviertel, so called because the streets are named for Hansa League cities. The former upper class neighborhood was destroyed in World War II. It was decided to rebuild the area from scratch through Interbau (International Architectural Exhibition/Internationale Bauausstellung) 1957. Prominent architects were invited to participate in the post-war urban planning and residential design demonstration project. In contrast to the monumental classic apartment blocks in East Berlin, this residential area was to have a mixture of building types with generous green spaces.
Strange sculpture or sample of Eternit products? (KSS)
Eternithaus (1957, by Paul Baumgarten) was built for and used the
products of Eternit, a fiber cement company
Academy of Art/Akademie der Künste (1954-1960, by
Werner Düttmann and Sabine Schumann in Brutalism style);
also provided apartments and studios for artists and architects, including
Henry Moore whose sculpture Reclining Figure (1956) is in front (KSS)
Hans Uhlmann sculpture (1957) (KSS)
Jaenecke u Samuelson (Malmö) Block rear
Jaenecke u Samuelson Block front
Alvar Aalto (Helsinki) Haus (KSS)
St Ansgar Church by Willy Kreuer
St Ansgar Church belltower (KSS)
Walter Gropius (United States) Haus
Walter Gropius (United States) Haus (KSS)
We wandered back through the Tiergarten.
One long path was the Open-air Gas Lamp Museum/
Gaslaternen-Freilichtmuseum (1978),
showing samples from cities throughout Europe
Tiergarten gas lantern
Branta canadensis/Canada Goose and goslings (KSS)
From a bridge over the Landwehr Canal, we
watched a boat enter the lock (KSS)
On the other side we see the boat has plenty of room in the lock (KSS)
The upper lock gate begins to close (KSS)
The gates are just about closed (KSS)
Shortly, after the water level drops, the lower gates open
Next to the lock is the Schleusenkrug beer garden
Schleusenkrug was overcrowded
Instead we walked back through the Tiergarten to find The Bridge Restaurant.
We did not realize it was a Shisha or hookah bar!
The Bridge salt and pepper shakers
The Tex-Mex Platter with barbecue wings, chicken nuggets,
fried mozzarella sticks, and fries (served with sour cream)
It started to pour rain, so we had to go inside
the restaurant to finish our "dinner" before leaving
We took the S-Bahn and U-Bahn back to our hotel. By then the rain had let up for the walk down the long block. Retrieved our luggage from storage and checked into a room.
Kent opens all the windows
The bathroom
The high temperature today was 90 degrees F. Hopefully the rain will cool things off.
Next: Berlin 3a.

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